The Return of Ron

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Once they were free they ran as fast as they could to get out of the woods. Then they decided to head back to Hogwarts after a good night of rest. Then once the morning came they started their way back to the castle.

Then after 5 days they were able to get back to the castle. Everyone cheered their ruturn. They even held a greater feast that they usually have.

Then they started their way back to the common room. then once things started calming back down they went to the Defene Against the Dark Arts classroom to turn in their assignment. then they went back to the common room.

Then in the middle of the night the werewolf got Hermione and told her to come to the commons area of the common room. Then he got Harry and told him the same thing. Then when they all got down there the werewolf anounced that he was really Ron.

Hermione immediatly got up and hugged Ron. Then they asked him how he got turned into a werewolf. He told them that Lupin got in a rage during the full moon and bit him.

Then the next mornin they told the whole castle and they all celebrated some more them life went back to normal.

The End.

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