Chapter One

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Han was so busy trying to hot-wire the door, he forrgot that Leia was behind him. He heard the blaster fire back and forth, and Leia ushering for him to hurry, the loud cry of pain from behind him shocked him."

"Agh!" Leia cried in pain, Han turned around to see the beautiful woman crumpled to the floor of thtrance, a large wound was gushing a river of blood from her stomach. 

"Leia, it'll be ok, I promise,"Han said desprately. He was on the verge of tears as he felt her pulse begin to slow.

"Han, don't make promises you can't keep. I love you nerf herder."Leia said as her corpse fell limp in he heart broken lovers arms.

"Leia? Comm'on please be ok. I can't live without you,"Han cried despretly to his dead lover,"Leia please get up. I love you princess." Han said sadly to his once vibrant lover's corpse. After that Han and chewie highjacked a walker an finished the galatic war.

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