Anniversary Date💕

39 0 0

Play music to set mood.


The room contains a bed with silky white sheets. It is filled with darkness, the only light being illuminated from the many vanilla scented candles. Rose petals are littered across the floor and bed. You roll around on the bed with your significant other, as soft music plays in the background. You are sharing an intimate moment that you wouldn't change for the world.

You and your lover are celebrating your one year anniversary. They had just proposed to you over a fancy dinner, so you couldn't be in a better mood. As soon you had gotten home from the restaurant, the action had started.

As you kiss each other passionately, the room begins to heat up; at least, to you. The closeness is leaving you wanting and craving for more.

Your partner pulls away as they are on top of you. The lack of touch makes you pout, which causes them to chuckle. You gaze at each other for what seems like forever. They give a small smile and caress your cheek.

You let out a sigh and say, "I've never been happier in my life, babe. I love you so much." Your words are filled with more love and passion than anything on this planet.

Your partner's smile grows, as they tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. They then lean down close to your ear. They are so close now that their breath is tickling the side of your face.

They then utter something you will always remember and hold near and dear to your heart...

"Da ting go skrraa..."


Hope you liked it. I worked really hard on this.

(Jk this is a joke)

Anniversary Date One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now