part 9

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In the soothing embrace of the hot springs, Mine tests the strength of her previously injured arms, relieved to find that they have finally recovered. Feeling a renewed sense of vitality, she decides it's time to resume her training.

At the dojo, Mine calls out, seeking a sparring partner to test her newfound abilities. However, to her surprise, she finds Leone playfully sitting on top of Lubbock, while Akame sits on F/n, the two young men engaged in a series of push-ups.

F/n, aware of the stamina required to wield Incursio, gazes at a message left behind by Bulat, reminding him of the importance of training his body. Determination radiates from F/n, causing a momentary blush to grace Mine's cheeks, and even catching Akame off guard, resulting in her own subtle blush.

As Mine's attention shifts to Lubbock, who appears unfazed by the exertion, he coolly remarks that with Bulat's absence, only two guys remain in the group. Feeling the need to step up, Lubbock acknowledges the necessity of putting in more effort.

Leone, ever playful, interjects with a mischievous tone.

Leone: Lubbock, you're only doing half the push-ups? Come on, you gotta give it your all!

The mention of their differing physical strengths catches everyone's attention, prompting Akame to make a surprising remark.

Akame: (grinning) Indeed, Leone and I have quite the weight disparity.

All of you went shock. A loud back was heard and it cut to see Akame with a giant lump on her head.

F/n: (smirking) That was unexpected coming from someone like you, Akame.

Their banter is interrupted as Najenda, their leader, enters the scene, drawing their attention. She announces her departure to the revolution's main base, explaining that the weapons obtained from the three beasts will be needed there. F/n expresses concern, questioning whether she should go alone and commenting on the weight of the battle axe she carries.

Najenda dismisses F/n's worries, confident in her abilities.

Najenda: Nah, I can handle it. I may not be able to use it effectively, but I can at least carry it around.

F/n: (whispering) I had no idea she was such a badass.

Lubbock: (whispering) Of course she is. Remember, she used to be a general, man.

F/n: (whispering) Oh yeah, right. My father was a general too.

Najenda assigns Akame as the temporary leader in her absence, urging the entire group to buckle down and train diligently.

Akame: Okay, whatever.

Tatsumi interjects, urging Akame to take her responsibilities seriously, but Lubbock reassures everyone, stating that Akame always gets the job done regardless.

Leone: Yeah, don't worry too much. Akame's got it covered either way.

With a mix of camaraderie and determination, the group recommits to their training, understanding the importance of strengthening themselves for the challenges that lie ahead. As they continue their rigorous exercises, their bonds grow stronger, and the echoes of their determination fill the dojo.

Time skip

At the solemn graveyard, Esdeath delicately places flowers on the graves of her fallen Three Beasts, their memory etched deeply in her heart. Standing before their resting place, she vows to avenge their deaths with unwavering determination.

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