You Get Exposed

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Finn,Jack,Sophia,Millie and you were in the park a couple streets down from your house.
Millie and Sophia knew about you having a crush on Finn.

Finn was sitting across from you on the grass,while Sophia was sitting on your right and on her side was Wyatt.
Millie was on your left and Jack was sitting on Millie's side.

Sophia told Jack about you having a crush on Finn,Jack promised to keep quiet.

While Finn was in middle of talking,Jack interrupted out of nowhere and said "Y/n don't you want to tell Finn something."

Y/n looked at Jack and said "what?" confused.

He said "Do you want me to tell him?"

Y/n said "What are you talking about?"

Jack said "Y/n has a crush on you,Finn."

Finn laughed then realized how serious he sounded.

He looked up to y/n and said "Is it true?"

She tried playing it off and said "No,Jacks just joking."

Millie elbowed Jack.

Jack said "No,Y/n told me how much she liked you but didn't want to make things to awkward and how much she cares for you."

Y/n avoided eye contact and got up running to her house , leaving all her problems behind like always.

"What the heck Jack!" Finn yelled.

Millie elbowed Jack , once again.

Finn got up and started running after y/n but of course she didn't want to see him , not now,not ever just because of Jack telling Finn about her crush on him.

Y/n ran inside and ran upstairs to her room , shutting the door and locking it.

Y/n hid herself under the covers snuggling with her old teddy bear that she had ever since she was 2.

A knock on the door startled her causing her to stop her loud sobbing before quietly saying "Who is it?" with sniffles.

"it's Finn." He said softly.

Y/n said "I'm sleeping."

"Y/n , can I please come in." He said against the door.

Y/n wiped the stray tears off her cheeks before opening the door.

Finns expression softened once he saw her tear stained cheeks.

"I'm sorry." Finn said.

Y/n looked up from the ground , her expression shocked as she said "f-f-for what?-."

"For not telling you how I felt earlier because none of this would of happened,the girl I'm in love with wouldn't be crying right now if I would've just told her that I like her too." Finn said not breaking eye contact with y/n.

Y/n just stared at him not knowing what to say.He instantly brought her into a hug , y/n mumbling into his jacket "I'm in love with you too."

A/n:Thanks for reading!

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