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how unfortunate for them, that they are in her way.

they are the generation of miracles, but she is umehara hotaru.

description: honestly, she is in over her head, but that will not really stop her

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description: honestly, she is in over her head, but that will not really stop her. if anything it makes her all the more determined. they all better watch out...


❝ introducing !

❝ introducing ! ❞

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❮ Team SEIRIN ❯

position: player

position: player

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❮ Team SEIRIN ❯

postion: moral support

postion: moral support

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❮ Team SEIRIN ❯

position: moral support

position: moral support

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Team TŌŌ ❯

position: press



I. Castle - Halsey II. Oh My My - Ruelle III. Fight Like a Girl

IV. Alone - Halsey V. Ace of Hearts - Zella Day

VI. Free - Broods VII. Rival - Ruelle VIII. Angel on Fire- Halsey

IX. Human - Christina Perri X. Glitter & Gloss - Skott

XI. Confident - Demi Lovato XII. Watch - Billie Eilish

XIII. In the Mood - Skott


started: 14.11.2017


note: Are you ready for this? Because I am so excited. Warning that my knowledge about basketball is not incredible, but it is actually one of the sports that I know more about. I've really enjoyed planning out Hotaru's plot line and all my original characters so I can't wait to see how it all turns out.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke (the anime or manga). All credit goes to official writers and creators. This is a fan fiction. However, I do own all of my original characters and their personal storylines and original content.

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