Chapter 7

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Before I could ask why I need to give the ring to Mr. Holloway, Cody burst into dust. All that was left as evidence that he was even there was his clothes. I quickly picked them up and threw them in the trash before walking over to Piper.

As I helped her up, she explained she saw me talking to Cody from her window and realised it was getting heated so rushed down only to realise that if Cody saw her he could have very well turn on her so she had dropped and curled into a ball.

I'll admit it was pretty funny but actually helped me not get killed by him. Piper turned to me and handed me a piece of paper. 'He dropped this when he tripped over me'. I quickly unfolded the paper to read, This ends tonight, you need to get rid of her, and it was signed by Mr. Holloway.

Piper peered over my shoulder 'Who is this Mr. Holloway?', 'He's the guy who interviewed me for my college interview and he's also one of the vampires on the council who I have to convince to give me a licence'. Piper looked at me in shock horror, 'so what you're saying the guy who was nice during the interview is also someone you need to a licence from? Who also just sent someone to kill you?

'Yep but it wasn't just anyone who was sent to kill me, Cody was my attacker who is also responsible for me being in this position'. Piper looked at me like I was crazy, 'Colby, Why an earth would you want to talk to this guy if he was your attacker?' 'Because he's been hanging around out here of a night time and I saw him staring up at your room, I came down here to tell him to back off and stay away from my family and yours. I don't want you getting hurt Piper.'

Piper seemed to understand since she jumped on me to give me a hug. I made sure Piper got up to her room safely before going back to my house to do some reading of the research I had already got from Thomas. Speaking of which he was supposed to be picking me up in an hour or so.

An hour later, I heard a car pull up and a knock at the door. I didn't even have to look out the window to know it was Thomas. I opened the door and I could tell by the way Thomas was staring at me that he wasn't sure whether to greet me or not. I pushed my way past him to the car and let myself in, he got in silently and started to drive down the street before asking, 'Colby, what's wrong?', 'Nothing.' 'Colby I can tell something is wrong please just tell me.'

'Thomas don't worry about it, it's nothing for you to be concerned about.' I could see him staring at me with confusion but he didn't push for anymore answers for the rest of the drive. Before long we arrived at the Tribunal building. Thomas said he had to go take care of something before disappearing and so I walked down a couple hallways to Mr. Holloway's office. His receptionist tried to stop me from walking in but I forced my way into his office.

There was a surprised look on his face when I walked in and slammed the door in his receptionist's face. I walked straight over to his desk before he decided to speak. 'Colby, you shouldn't be in here you need to leave and go wait outside the court room to find out your fate.' 'About that I have something that may ultimately change your mind and allow me to gain a licence and every other half-blood in the world.' Before he could speak again I dropped my proposal for all half-bloods to become equals as well as the note his son had on him when he died and the ring.

The look on Mr. Holloway's face said it all. Without another glance at me he replied 'congradulations, bringing the ring of your creator automatically gives to a licence.' 'Yes I know that however this is not his ring. This is your ring. And he was your son. How could you let him run around changing people and then killing them knowing that it was your son who created him?'

'I couldn't have him here, everyone would have found out the truth and I couldn't have that. In the old days it was a thing to wear gloves so it was easy to remove my ring without anyone noticing however in modern times it's found as weird to wear gloves everyday all day.' He pulled his glove off and placed the ring back on his finger.

'Colby you may leave now and I will see you in the meeting.'

With that I left his office and walked to the meeting. I walked into the room and kept standing until the tribunal leaders entered, I sat down and waited for the verdict. I could see Thomas staring at me from across the room with a weird look on his face, maybe he knew what had happened but I doubt it.

Mr. Holloway stood up and said, 'We have come to a verdict, given the evidence we have been presented with by Colby we have decided that, Colby, you will granted a licence.

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