Time for a change

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The autumn air was cool as it gently hit my face. As I turned the corner I saw Adrien walking in my direction.
"Hey Marinette, what are you doing out here in the cold?"
He shot that all so familiar smile at me.
"Uhh.. H..hey Adrien I..I'm out here because... because i had to go to Alya's house to get my histook, I mean my history book. What are you doing out here, then?"
I couldn't believe it he and I were out here by ourselves.
"Me, I'm out here because im looking for something that I lost earlier today while I was with Lila. It really important to me. Have you seen a book around here, it has a kind of swirl looking thing on the front and its brown. Also it is about heros like Ladybug and Cat Noir."
Adrien was worried that something happened to the book.
"Umm, no i havent seen it sorry but ill help you out."
Adrien and I were looking for it all around the park. I asked him if he had found it yet, just to not draw any suspicion. About twenty minutes later we walked up to a bench and sat down.
"I dont know were it could be, could Lila have of taken it."
I said as he was looking at the ground.
"It wouldn't surprise me if she did. All of her lies abou being a descendant from a hero called Volpina. Then she comes into my home saying that we are dating straight to Ladybug's face. I think my chance with Ladybug has been ruined by Lila."
I had put a confused look on my face.
"Wait do you like Ladybug?"
"Yes, yes I do, I love Ladybug. And u would go to the ends of the earth to figure out who she is."
"Haha, if only he knew that Ladybug was right in front of him."
Tikki whispered through the bag just in earshot of me.
"Uhh... wow would you look at the time it's half past eight. I need to get going my parents are probably wondering where I am. Goodnight Adrien."
I got up and started walking out of the park.
"Goodnight M'lady uh I mean Marinette." I turned around in shock to what i heard but I had to get home and pretend I didn't know what M,lady was for. I got home and told my parents that I had dinner with Alya. I wasn't that hungry anyway.
I walked up stairs and into my room and placed the turtle miraculous, fox miraculous and bee miraculous in the table and i started thinking about who to give them to. I stared into the night wondering what Chat Noir was doing and if he was someone I knew or a complete stranger to me.
"Tikki, I need help with deciding who should get the fox miraculous..... Tikki. ... Tikki?"
"Ahh yes Marinette, sorry I was just wondering how Plagg is because I haven't seen him for a really long time. And I don't know if he is still in love with me."
Tikki started tearing up, she said that when our previous Masters were killed her and Plagg had to endure the pain of death that their Masters had felt. I told Tikki not to worry so much now that we have the other miraculous, that we can finally put and end to Hawk Moth and free Nooroo.
"What about Alya?"
Tikki said as she wiped away the tears.
"Yeah but how do I do it?"
"You do it the same way that Master Fu did when he gave you me."
Tikki explained to me how he did it. We ran through the steps a couple of times.
"OK! Tikki, spots on."
As i opened the window and jumped out Tikki spotted Chat Noir in park sitting at the bench that Adrien and I were sitting about  half an hour ago. I hopped back inside grabbed the other miraculous and then headed over to Chat Noir to tell him about everything. But before I started talking, he asked me why I was so mean to Lila this afternoon and I told him that Lila was making up stories about me to Adrien Agrest.
"Yeah, M'Lady why did you do that though, is it because you know Adrien Agrest in your normal life outside of being a hero or is it because you're in love with him."
Chat's ears dropped out of disappointment.
"No.. no no its nothing like that I do really care about Adrien and I guess you could tell when I was about to give up my miraculous for his safety and by the way how did you really know that he was an illusion."
I looked into his big green eyes and he looked into mine.
"Ladybug, now before you say anything, I need to tell you who I really am underneath the mask. Please."
I told him that I went to the Great Guardian Master Fu and I told him everything that Master Fu told me. And after I finished he said that being the new guardian of the miraculous. That I should know who he was. I guess that it would only stay between us. We stood up in front of each other and at the same time we de-transformed.

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