Chapter Thirteen

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Louis' arms instantly went around Harry neck bringing him closer. The smell of sweat and bit of Harry's cologne that lingered went right up Louis' nose. God he smelled wonderful Louis thought as he brought the boy closer so that Harry was practically laying on him. He sucked Harry's tongue into his mouth while his hands found their way to Harry's hair.

Harry pulled away, "Beautiful." Harry whispered before going back down to kiss and bite Louis' neck. Louis moved his head to the side so Harry could have more room. "H…Haz." Louis moaned. Harry smirked before trailing his kissed back to Louis' lips, kissed them softly.

He moved so that his forehead was resting against Louis, "I've waited for so long to kiss you like this Louis." He said quietly. Louis couldn't help the blush that flared across his face as he closed his eyes.

Harry laughed softly at Louis' embarrassment, "Look at me Lou." He commanded. Louis opened his eyes to look up to a smiling Harry, his dimples out and about. "I can't even explain to you on how you make me feel." He said. Louis smiled a little, "You have no idea Styles." He countered. Harry laughed before burying his face into Louis neck. "—you." He mumbled.

"What was that?" Louis asked.

Harry kissed him again, a soft little kiss, "I. Love. You." He stated his green eyes shining with adoration. Louis couldn't even say it back because he was so shocked at the seriousness and complete love in Harry's voice. None of his former boyfriends ever said I love you like that, there wasn't that much emotion in it, ya know? But Harry he said it with so much….so much love. This was too much really it was, tears began to build behind his eyes.

"Hey….what's wrong?" Harry asked frantically, "Did I do something…oh god were going too far aren't we im sorry." Harry said quickly. Louis started to shake his head a watery smile on his face, he clutched the front of Harry's sweaty t-shirt.

"I love you to Harry….so much…always." He cried, the tears starting to fall down his face. Harry smiled fondly at Louis, he sat up a bit so that Louis was sitting his lap. Wrapping his arms around Louis' frame, "What am I going to do with you." He mumbled. Louis squeezed his shirt tighter his small body racked with sobs.

The moment was interrupted by Harry's phone vibrating in his pocket making Louis jump. Sighing Harry dug in his pocket to pull it out, reading it he let out sigh. Louis sniffled before sitting back up, "Something wrong." He asked wearily. Harry looked back towards Louis and his eyes softened a bit.

"Yah you crying." He said, Louis wiped his eyes before glaring. "Yea every ones already there…and I still need to take shower." Harry said as he moved Louis off his lap gently. "Well hurry up then." Louis said punching Harry in the arm.

Harry stood up, "Don't rush me." He pouted as he made his way to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later Harry found himself sitting in one of the booth with Liam, a drink in his hands. Louis and Zayn were at the bar getting more and Niall was somewhere on the dance floor. He watched amused as Louis sauntered back to the table, tripping a bit over his feet. "Heeerree ya go mates." Louis sang as he gave one to Liam and another to Harry. He took one for himself before sliding in with Harry, Zayn tried to hold in his laughter as Louis snuggled his face into Harry's neck.

"Mate he's totally plastered." Liam laughed as he watched Louis play with stray curl on Harry's head.

"Oi im perfe….ctly…fine." Louis hiccupped, he pushed his nose into Harry's neck. "You smell realllly good Haz." He whispered.

"Good Lord ima go find Niall." Zayn said as he shook his head in amusement. Harry looked down at Louis and smiled as the boy trailed a finger down his chest. Suddenly Louis got really close to Harry, his lips brushing Harry's ear.

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