Dear Reader: Chapter 1

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Today, was the day. The day me and my family finally move into the house before us. We have waited an eternity to move out of our neighborhood known as Widows Creek, mostly because of all the break in's and robbery's that occurred there, that and it isn't exactly a good place for my pregnant mother to raise a soon to be newborn baby girl.
"You guys ready to head in?" My father asks us as I continue to stare at the two story house with sky blue walls and white accents.
"Alyssa? You alright?" Mother asks, probably now worried due to how long I was staying quiet.
"Huh? Oh, yea...just taking in the house's features is all..." I reply, now starting to walk up the porch steps. 

Each step I took made the wooden steps creak in an eerie way that sent shivers down my spine, the kind of sound you would hear in horror movies. My father unlocks the door and inside the house looked beautiful to my surprise. 

"Alyssa, why don't you head up to your room, you can have first pick." My mother says while my dad handles carrying all the boxes in.

"Oh, uhm, alright..." I begin making my way up the stairs that head to the second level of the house, each step again making that dreaded creaking sound.

I soon make it to the second floor and i begin to look into all the rooms. They were all nice, but only one caught my eye. It was a medium sized room with a balcony, a small closet, and a bathroom of my own, but those weren't the things that caught my eye. No, the thing that caught my eye was the door that was right next to my bathroom, it was painted black and had scratch marks all along it. I slowly approach the door and try to open it, but it was locked.

"Dang it.." I whisper as I begin to search around for a key that could unlock it. 

I walk around the room checking in lamps, on top of the door ways, in drawers, anywhere I could, but I had no luck. Well, that was until I stumbled across a loose floorboard. Quickly, I crouch down and knock on the wood, it was hollow underneath. Without wasting any time, I pull out a pocket knife I always carry around with me and use it to help unscrew the nails keeping the board in place...the only board with screws. Once I get the board up, I notice something shiny instantly, a skull shaped key and beside it was a diamond wrapped in a silver necklace chain.

"Hello there..." I grab the key with a smirk, along with the necklace. "Why would somebody leave you two here...?"

I inspect both items in my hand now deciding to put the key on the chain with the diamond so I dont loose it. I then put the necklace on and walk over to the scratched up door, testing the key out.

"Come on..." I continue trying to turn the key in the keyhole until I hear a click. 

I quickly retract the key and open the door, and boy, was I not prepared for what I saw. The wallpaper in the room was scratched up and peeling off, the room itself was dusty and dark except for the little bit of light that shined through a single window overlooking a garden. There were bookshelves lining one of the shorter walls and a desk on the other, the wall in front of the door had pictures of several people with notes pinned up next to them. One of the pictures...was a picture of me. There was no doubt about it, my blonde hair, black jacket, my converse, my book, it was definitely me.

"What the hell..?" I approach the picture and look at the notes pinned beside it. "Alyssa Blackwell, the protector? The missing piece? Not ordinary? What the heck do these mean?"

I look around at the other pictures, some of them have a note with a red 'X' and the words 'diseased' underneath it. The worst part is, I knew half of these people. They all went to my school but went missing around the same time each month, on the 23rd. I look around the room some more and walk over to the desk, only to see  little black book on it with a lock. I pick up the book and examine it, it didn't take me long to realize the lock was the same shape as the diamond.


I grab the diamond on my necklace and place it on the lock. The lock soon glows white and makes a clicking sound, signalling it was unlocked. I don't even question what kind of sorcery that was and immediately open the book to the first page.

'Dear reader,

I'm assuming its you, Alyssa...'

I freeze, how would the author know this...?

'My name is Allison Devon, i'm the girl who lived in the house before you, and if your reading this...then i'm dead. I left a bunch of clues and entries for you, each one will help you survive. Yes, survive...your in serious danger. let me explain....'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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