wake up call.

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Gloria is starting to find out the truth about life, Grey has taught her alot. Life is only about hurt even in happiness its hurtful and love is not what it's all cracked up to be. No matter what goes on Grey has taught her its only temporary. Nothing lasts forever, everything eaither dies,leaves,or gives up. At this point her and her boys are depressed about  her baby leaving. Gloria and Grey are doing ok, so a few monthes pass. Gloria asked her sons if they would like to spend the holidays in NYC instead of California. She fills they all need to get away from everything for a bit, and just have a good time. Her family and freinds think it's a good idea also, the only thing is she can't afford it so she asks Grey to help her and he agrees but he never gets back to her. Everytime it came to money he would agree but stop talking to her for that whole time, she knew that he would ignore her she just never understood why. If she asked for help he would always say yes but leave her hanging as if she was nothing. All Grey had to say was no I can't, or I don't have it simple truth instead of having her wait for something that was not gonna happen. So a week passes she already knew after the second day he wasn't gonna help her with anything. So she prays and asks God to help her and the boys, if its God's will they will make the money and get there. A few days later she buys a car sales it buys there tickets and has enough money to buy a few things they need, in NYC the winter is cold so she gets the kids jackets boots and everything they need, she didn't need anything from anyone. She's been hurt and upset that Grey hasn't talk to her since she asked for his help. So she goes to the airport Nov 11th 2016, at the airport she text him and tells him shes getting on the flight. Grey says ok thanks for telling me. Gloria gets a filling hes upset at her for leaving and telling him the last minute, but it's not her fault he has been ignoring her since a week. They get on there flight so excited she wasn't gonna let Grey's new attitude faze her. As soon as they land she texts him and tells him she landed and everything is ok. He texts her back and tells her "ok" and does not text her for the next few days. In that few days she don't stop texting him, but he's acting like a fool as if she left him! So After a few days he finaly tells her why he's so upset. He's upset cause it took her so long to tell him she got her tickets and why did she wait for the last minute to tell him she's leaving. The truth is she was hurt because how can she asks him to help her and he say yes but never mention it again to her she told him Thats she would pay him back, but its like he could careless. But she don't bring that up to him only because he would again ignore her so she just apologizes and again she drops the conversation knowing the only thing it's gonna lead to is a useless argument. Alot of the time when she would open up and tell him her fillings she would say things that was on  her mind and he wouldn't like that cause she would sound mean and like a bitch. No matter what she would swollow her pride and he would swollow his and they would move forward. He also tought her not to continue and linger on a problom. To be an adult and  move on.

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