one: heartache

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"Please." she said, while trying to pull him back. Her eyes were red, her sheets stained with the never ending flow of her tears.

But he didn't even look back at her as he took off her grip on his wrist, then walked off---shutting the door.

However, he just stayed outside the door. He couldn't bring himself to leave again after seeing the state she's in. No, he doesn't feel pity. He feels guilty. The fact that she's starving herself, she cries everynight---it was all because of him. He is stupid for letting go of the person who would never let him go.

So he found himself going inside again; with tears staining his cheeks, heart beating with nervousness---he hugged her.

"I'm sorry." he whispered, he can feel her breathing become slow. "You'll be fine without me. Please take care of yourself." They hugged eachother in silence. But silence wouldn't last long.

They heard the door open, "Y/N-chan, I bought some---you bastard!!" Hiroki dropped the groceries and quickly went to tear Taka away from Y/N then punched him on the face. Taka didn't budge, he hid his hurt eyes under the shadows of his bangs.

"What are you doing here?!" Hiroki screamed at him; "Who gave you the permission to suddenly come back after hurting---"

"I did, Hiro-kun." Y/N said, almosy like a whisper. She was trembling with nervousness. "I couldn't help it. I know I should've not let him in but I couldn't stop myself. No matter how much I want to believe he is an asshole, my idiotic self always finds a way to go back to him. Back in his arms." She said slowly and softly---trying to get her message as smooth as possible for Hiroki to calm down about the situation.

"I get it, Y/N. You love him! You love him so much that you're hurting yourself. Do you even see yourself anymore?? You starved yourself, you cry everyday, everynight, you pretend to be alright all because of him? Do you see how you are in such shitty situation---"

"Hiroki, I think that's enough." Taka said, touching Hiroki's shoulder.

"Don't touch me! Just because your my older brother that doesn't give you the right to boss me around!" He screamed at Taka. He was so angry he cannnot control his words.

"You need to calm down; you're taking out all your anger on me and Y/N." He said while squeezing both of his shoulders. "Your making this situation harder for Y/N."

"Oh, me?" Hiroki said sarcastically "Guess what, big brother: I'M NOT THE ASSHOLE WHO BROKE Y/N'S HEART!"

Silence was heard after that. None of them moved. The sound of the aircondition going into "fan mode" was heard, the footsteps of other people who were on the same floor as Y/N's apartment were heard.

Taka slowly went out of the apartment. Y/N and Hiroki's eyes followed him as he opened the door and went outside. A small "click" was heard signaling that he locked the door before going out.

Hiroki didn't bulge as Y/N started picking up the groceries he dropped earlier then placed them on the counter. She started clean ing up, putting stuff in the refrigerator, on the cabinets, etc.

"Look Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"It's okay, Hiro-kun." She looked at him, her eyes still red from crying. "You were only worried about me. I understand it was unpleasant for you to see me hugging someone who broke me." She put her hands on her chest. "But still, you are siblings. You guys should've not fought."

"I'm still really sorry. My anger overpowered me." He said looking down at the floor.

"Just as I said, it's fine. Now, would you mind helping me cook some delicious curry?"


heartache. [taka moriuchi]Where stories live. Discover now