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Third person's POV

Seventh encounter

"She is very much alike to her. And that is what is worrying me. I think it was a stupid idea to bring her here. She is not made for this business", Chanyeol emphazised.

"Do you really think that?! Despite their physical similarities, I think she is very different from her. Stronger. That is why I picked her. I mean you surely noticed her attitude.", Taehyung retorted.

Chanyeol scratched the back of his neck which was a habit of him when he was contemplating.

"When do you think will she be up and about again?", Taehyung asked.

"I don't know. It could be two weeks but also months you know."

"It is been a week already. You said her injuries are not that serious."

"Are you really this stupid?! This is not about the physical damage but the psychological. I am not sure if she will ever recover from that. You should have seen her. Nightmares are plaguing her."

Taehyung bit his lip. "What am I supposed to tell the boss now? We got him a exact duplicate of Linda but she is as wrecked as her. He wants to have her back now."

Chanyeol never liked Taehyung. But the moment he said that he hated him guts. "Leave my house you disrespectful piece of shit. I don't want to see you any way near her!"

"Oh so you are the one who is deciding now what is going to happen with her?! You know if it will not be me then the boss himself is gonna take her away from you", Taehyung mocked, "How do you even know about her issues?" He raised an eyebrow.

Suddenly Chanyeol felt embarrassed. "Since she is living in the same house as I am.. I..umm..heard her and..umm..nevermind."

"Spit it out! The boss dislikes it when his inferiors keep secrets from him", Taehyung added.

"First of all I am no ones inferior. Not even Min Yoongis. Secondly it is no secret. She just asked me to sleep with her."

A shocked expression appeared on Taehyung's face and what Chanyeol could not see his words left a little sting to his heart.

"I mean next to her", Chanyeol corrected himself, "It really helps her calm down and I think they also got less frequent."

"Sure it "helped" her. You are aware I need to report that. The boss will not be amused about it. You should better be cooperative or your house could accidentally catch fire. You know the boss can be very possesive" Chanyeol noticed the cockiness in Taehyung's voice. Chanyeol was really not a violent person but he loved to wipe him that grin of Taehyung's face.

"Are you threatening me? At least I am here trying to help her while you are the one who only brought her pain up until now. That is why she still does not want to see you. Go ahead and hurt her even more. That surely change her mind", Chanyeol remarked sarcastically.

Taehyung huffed. "This changes nothing, she will leave with me. Today."

"I won't go anywhere with you"; you voice cut through the room. Both of their heads turned to your direction.

"Y/N", he spoke up but you interrupted him.

"What is he doing here, Chanyeol?"

"He was just about to leave", Chanyeol gritted his teeth.

"You better", you shot him a death glare.

"No, Y/N. The boss ordered me to bring you back."

"And what if I don't want to?!"

"You don't have a choice."

"Of course I do! Chanyeol tell him."

"Yeah Chanyeol, tell her how you are about to ignore the bosses orders."

"Shut up! Chanyeol is better than you. Right?", you looked over to him. Taehyung turned to Chanyeol as well. Chanyeol stayed silent.

"Right?", you urged again.

"Well umm...I think you should go with him for now." Chanyeol could see all the hope vanish from your face to a sad frown.

"If that is your wish." Your mouth went to a thin line and you turned around to run upstairs.

"Y/N", he called after you but you ignored it. How stupid of me to think he could have been different!


You haven't talked the whole drive. Taehyung tried to engage you in a conversation which just did not work because you were so disappointed. You had packed the few things that belonged you and went with him. Without telling Chanyeol a single word of goodbye. He did not deserved it better. Traitor.

As the car stopped in front of a big mansion your eyes were pooping out of your head.

"I am sure you have never seen such a great house?", Taehyung chuckled.

You immedietely straightened your features and walked towards the house. You heard him jogging after you but he did not talked to you again. He led you inside to some kind of bibliotheca.

"Sit down and wait here." He walked towards a wooden door just went in. This time there weren't any other guards around. You still felt some kind of déjà vu. Nearly two weeks ago you sat in a similar room waiting to meet Min Yoongi. You sighed and in the same moment a door opened. But it was not the same Taehyung had went through.

"Princess", Yoongi hurried over to your side and hugged you stormily. You were still surprised since you could have bet that he was in the same room as Taehyung. You hugged him back halfheartedly.

"Yoongi." You gently shoved him away.

"Say no more. I will never let you get into such dangerous situations again. I am sorry." He took your hands in his and squeezed them encouragingly.

"S-sorry", you gulped, "What are you apologizing for? It was not your fault." From all the rumors you heard, you never guessed that Min Yoongi would apologize to anyone.

"It was. Because you belong to me. To my side. There is no doubt. I will never let another man touch you. I promise." His voice was sincere. As he cupped your cheek your heart was beating so fast you were not sure if it rip apart any second.

"I am sorry, I can't." You got up and withdrew yourself from his touch. "We don't even know each other and make it sound like we were destined to be. I don't know what to feel."

"I understand. I should have not overwhelm you like this but I was so worried. I thought about you every day and wished for you to be better. God dammit I really hate being so soft but you make me this way", he groaned frustrated.

Suddenly your throat felt like constricted and tears welled up in your eyes.

"Oh Y/N. Here I am talking about my ego. I did not wanted to reopen old sores. I am sure it is hard...", he broke off reaching for you but then midways letting his arms fall down again. He is really considering my words.

"It is not that", you breath hitched as the first tears rolled down your cheek, "I just cannot remember the last time someone was worried for me." You closed the gap between the two of you again by wrapping your arms around him and burying your face to his shoulder.

Maybe this is what I want.

Not so confident in that one but maybe you still enjoy it...

Have you maybe switched teams now? ! ♥

If you are curious Taehyung will get his moments in the near future ;)

!! Request are open for part 8 !!

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