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We stepped into the cave. Smart, considering this tiny island was off almost all maps, and in dangerous waters. It was hard for even the FBI to get here. It would really help me if Poseidon was on my good side right now. If the tiny wall broke, all the water would come pouring down and drown me. I put my fingers to my lips, signaling that we needed to be quiet. Then I pointed ahead, silently. We was a small troop, but it needed to be. The three of us were noisy enough, and it was hard getting through the security.

Hazel and Piper nodded at me. They understood. We walked some more, then came to an area with two passages to choose. Piper took out the GPS from her backpack and showed it to me. As quietly as I could, I pulled out my compass. Hazel looked, then led us to the tunnel on the left.

“Anna, I hear a guard.” Hazel mouthed. I started thinking. My brain was like a machine, always on, forming a plan. Hazel and Piper always looked to me if they needed some quick thinking. looked at my surroundings. I looked at one of the rotting walls and saw a pipe, just barely sticking out that had a WARNING sticker on it. Well, it would have to do. I found a foothold and got my hand onto the pipe. It was slippery, but I managed to pull myself up. I climbed a little further up, resting my foot on the pipe. I pointed in the direction we had just came in to tell Hazel and Piper to back away. They looked confused, but turned around slowly.

I saw the guard’s shadow turn the corner and I got ready. As soon as I saw his actual body, I banged my foot on the pipe as hard as I could, spraying the dangerous chemicals everywhere. I jumped down, and ran as fast as I could away. I found Hazel and Piper and let out a sigh.

“What did ya do this time, Anna?” Hazel asked.

“Well, I sprayed some chemicals onto him. He should be knocked out for a while.” I replied.

“Good work, ” Piper smiled, “but now we have to get back on job.” I nodded in agreement.

We continued going through tunnels until we reached the room that had the drive in it. The drive, called Operation X, could be plugged into any computer and wipe out all the technology in the world. Piper lead the way. She pulled out a bomb from her backpack and placed it on the door. The timer read 1:00. We had one minute to get out of this room before the door would blow. We rushed back and covered our ears. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, PCHOOOOOOOO.

The door blasted open. I stood up and high- fived Piper and Hazel. That was AWESOME!!! I ran and grabbed the flash drive while Hazel called the FBI to pick us up. I smiled. Another mission had been completed. We all hugged each other and started running back towards the door. Hazel, Piper, and I make a great team, and I’m happy to be part of it. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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