Fearless truth

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Jason POV

I came home earlier today with a blue and white flower bouquet wanting to surprise Jungkook. Lately, I felt like there wasn't really a connection between me and him. I mean, it doesn't seem natural.

When I came home, Jaehyun and him weren't home making me a litte worried. As I was about to sit down the bell rang. I decided to take the bouquet with me as I opened the door seeing Jungkook and Jaehyun and Jungkook looked mad. His body relaxed as he gazed at the flowers. "Are they for me?" He asked touched. I nodded smiing at him seeing him blush.

We entered the house and Jaehyun walked away from us taking my book from the couch.  "He's really into reading I guess." Jungkook nodded slightly too engrossed with the flowers. I walked over to him and I cupped his face lifting it up. He held my gaze deeply making my stomach roar with butterfly. He smiled chuckling "Am I that pretty?" He asked whispering. I hummed in response, pecking his lips.

"You looked so angry earlier, what happened?" I asked interested. He furrowed his eyebrows but quickly realised and his facial expression changed to angry. He grabbed my hand and removed it from his face and chuckled deeply. "Guess who I saw today at the park?" I shrugged not really caring. "Park Fucking Jimin and his model boyfriend!" He shouted waving his arms in the air annoyed.

"Wait, Jimin has a boyfriend?" I asked shocked. "An attractive one too!" I rolled my eyes at his sillyness. "So what? Shouldn't we be happy for him?" I'm glad he found someone else since that meant he wouldn't be a over Jungkook. "Happy!? Jimin is mine!" He screamed at me making me freeze. What? Jimin's his? I felt sadness and anger overwhelme me and I shut my eyes taking a deep breath.

"Jungkook, your my fucking fiancé and your claiming someone else as yours?! That hurts you know!" I shouted. He smirked and laughed "Oh so now you aknowlegde that." What was he talking about? "You were the one who couldn't control your hormones and got Jimin pregnant!" I retorted. His face fell and I took more breaths in. He walked over to me and grabbed my collar  harshly. "Listen Jason, whether you like it or not Jimin has my baby and he is mine." He stared deeply in my eyes making me weak. " I-I didn't know he meant that much to you." I whispered averting m gaze.

"Well he does okay! Do not get in the way of my plans." He harshly held my jaw making me whimper. "Okay..." He let go of me making me fall to the ground. He entered the bedroom leaving me all alone. "Maybe he wasn't the one for me." I whispered to myself.

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