How To End A Relationship In 10 Hours

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Hello, how was/is everyone's day? This next part is how I ended my relationship in 10 hours. I'm not looking for pity, this is purely for laughs and to hopefully make your day better. Anyways let's get on with the story.
(All based on true events that occurred in my life)

We had been talking for about a week and I knew this guy liked me since the beginning. I strongly disliked him, he was self centred and arrogant, he played hockey and it seemed he was only interested in himself. He couldn't use punctuation, grammar or spell; it was a lot of stress. A week went by and he started complimenting me little by little. I was trying not to be rude and ignore him so I guess I led him on.
He started saying things that were related to the idea of us dating. I played it off like it was nothing trying to avoid him. Finally he asked if I wanted to date him and I said "yeah man, I'm down" yeah so that's me (the cringe). He was really happy and we sent each other so many heart emojis and said "ily" so many times it was really cheesy and kind of hurt my soul.
We talked about going on dates and when we were free; if you know me you'd know that I'm never free so this was challenging. He then turned around and asked if we could go somewhere nobody else was, at school, so we could kiss. Like bro, stop, take a break, back the truck up. I proceeded to say that I wouldn't be done until 6:30 (looking back at it I got my days mixed up but who cares). He then asked if we could in the morning before school started and I said that it would be too stressful. We talked a bit more and I was still a bit shook at this kissing game so when he said that I'm "perfect" I said "you barely know me, if you did you wouldn't be saying that" "you can't even tell me what kind of music I listen to" -me. He then asked me what I listen to.
You should all know that I listen to korean pop music and he didn't realize this because I never told time (telling people this is also how I drive them away and make them not like me :')).
I wrote out a paragraph about my unhealthy year long obsession with this music form. I told him that I bought merchandise and I cried when it came, I told him I have pictures of a man that doesn't know I exist all over my wall, I told him I say goodnight to these pictures every night, I told him that I call this man my boyfriend. He just played it off like it was nothing but I knew it wasn't "nothing". We talked for a little longer and we continued our conversation.
Out of nowhere he said stuff along the lines of "...I need to focus on hockey not girls..." "...let's just pretend this never happened" this was over Snapchat because we don't have each other's numbers, he un-added me so I un-friended and blocked him.
Things were going well but then he just back tracked and broke us up, I have never felt more free and I am happy once more. This has helped me to realize that maybe dying alone won't be all that bad.

Heyyy yeah so that just happened. I didn't exactly want it to portrayed that meaningful, I just wanted it to be short and funny. Welp, oh well. I hope your days are good and I hope this made you smile... I don't know, maybe you feel bad, maybe you're laughing at me, who knows.

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