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4pm at Selena's house I leave her house and left a note(thank you Selena for let me staying your such a good friend)then I head back t our house and the good thing the front door was opened then I take a bath and changed my

cloths into a pants and a white blouse and a rubber shoes I don't have enough money to buy the things I needed and then I coked breakfast egg sandwich and coffee that's for breakfast then I left a note on mom(good

morning mom,don't do house hold chores always eat and drink your medicine I'll be just going on a friends house and at the Styles Mansion at Beverly hills.(well I got here by a taxi and as I stand there in front of their giant

gate I can't see the house but far from it,it was really huge and I door belled and the maid opened the gate for me)

Maid:Madam,who are you looking for,are you Taylor Finlay?

Taylor:Yeah,I was looking for a job is the right residence?

Maid:Yeah,come in Madam.

Taylor:just call me Taylor(smiled and we ride a Hummer h2 golf toward to the big mansion and then we reached their house and it was huge with a fountain in front and as I entered carpets expensive things and Chandelier's is I saw

and we held to a library the room was full of books and its a two floor library and the maid left me there with a old man there he wore glasses and a tuxedo)

Secretary Jung:Miss Taylor Swift right?

Taylor Swift:Yeah right,nice to meet you.

Secretay Jung:I'm secretary Jung,straight to the point your salary here in a month is $60,000 because you'll be working for the Vice President son.

Taylor:(that's big enough compared to $25,000 in a month)

Secretary:Are you going to take it or not?

Taylor:I'll take it(and I signed some papers  and I gave him some paper of mine)

Secretary:Welcome To Hell Madaam by the way its hard to work with the Young Master.(Then. he gave me a tour inside the house where he sleep where he should go what should he do and all around the house and it was very huge his bedroom was just our whole

house then they have tennis court ,basket ball court ,Olympic size pool and we ride again I. the Hummer h2 golf Cart and he held me to a boarding house where should I sleep)

Taylor:When would I start working?

Secretary:Tomorrow,good luck young lady.

Taylor:Okay thank you.(Then I got out and I ride a taxi then I got to our station to file my resignation after giving to our chief of course the guy's will miss me)

Max:Are you sure you'll leaving (then I nod as I packed my things in my desk and I put it on a box)

Richard:And where are you heading?

Taylor:I'll work as a bodyguard.

Richard:Take good care of yourself Taylor.

Raymond:I'll miss the one who will make nice coffee for us.

Taylor:Come on guys I'm not dying just give me a hug(then we have a group hug)You better take care of yourself and do your job no more other things.


at The Mansion of Styles,Having their breakfast.

Anne:Harry,you will be having dinner with The President Swift later.

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