Ch.1 The start of a killer

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Hello! my name is Y/n L/n when I was 5 years old I could see ghost! I befriended most of them because they were lonely so I tried to help but my mom thought I was crazy or something so she sent me away to an insane asylum. But I'm getting ahead of myself, let me start from the beginning.

I was talking to the ghost of a girl named Layla, she had died a few days ago, she lived in the same apartment complex as me she was next door we would play together but a man came to take their stuff and she woke up and went to see what the noise was and he killed her.

I was still her friend she would stay with me because no one else could see her she and was lonely, we were each others only friend and that was fine.

We were playing a game when my mom came in and saw me talking to Layla, but she probably can't see her because she's a ghost

"Y/n honey who are you talking to?" She questioned
"Layla." I said happily
"Honey I know you miss her but Layla... passed away, remember?" She seemed worried
"I know that silly! I'm talking to her ghost." I told her the truth not wanting to lie to my mom, she taught me that lying was wrong

"What do you mean sweetie? That's... that's not possible." She chuckled nervously
"Yeah it is! I'm doing it now!" I laughed with her
"Okay... I'm going to go make some calls, stay right there..." she left so I went back to playing with Layla

"Hey Y/n whats up with your mom?" Layla asked me
"I don't know." We went on like normal for the rest of the day till my mother came back and told me that I need to pack all my stuff because where going somewhere!

Happily I began to packed my clothes, Layla asked if she could come I said yes, obviously, I didn't want her to be lonely! I quickly finished as she watched before zooming out of the door.

  While I walked Layla just floated to the car and even just fazed through the door while I had to open it to get in. playfully glaring at her and she giggled sticking her tongue out at me making me giggle as well.

After the long drive we were finally at the place it was a big white building. Their were a lot of ghosts here so I decided to talk to one, he was an old guy like my dad

"hello?" I called out to him he looked at me in shock after he saw I was looking at him, not through or around. "You... you can see me?" "Yup! Hey mister, do you know why I'm here? I don't know why my mom took me here, it's boring."

He started to freak out and yelled frantically "Get away from here! Don't go inside! You have to get away from here! They'll kill you!" I started to cry, he was scaring me so I ran over to my mom and told her I wanted to leave and go home.

"Honey we have to go inside." she said firmly before grabbed my are and dragged me inside, Layla was still here with me with a concerned clear on her face as she followed me inside.

My mom talked to some people before she left me there they took me to a room and talked with me about ghosts and the things I see then they took me to a room a white room it had a bed and a desk also a small closet for my clothes to go in. They left me to get settled in Layla was still with me we were both confused she talked to some of the other ghosts here there were a lot of them and they said this is a place for crazy people but I'm not crazy! I knew I wasn't.

It's been 10 years I'm 15 now and I've honed my skills I can now not only see ghost but can do things they can do, become invisible and intangible, I can posses people but only for a few minutes, and I can float. I am just like an actual ghost but alive. I'll escape with these new powers and no one will know. not like anyone would live to tell.

Layla and I were talking then someone came in and told me to come with him. We went to a room I've never been to it looked like a lab and some people grabbed my arm's and pulled me to the table and strapped me to it. Layla seemed to realize what was going on and started telling me they were going to kill, torture, or experiment on me.

'That's it.'  I fazed through the strap's and possessed the doctor holding a syringe, and stabbed the closeted person to be in the neck and injected the strange liquid into him before grabbing a scalpel and killed them all with his body before stabbing him in the neck as I stopped possessing him.

Taking the scalpel with me I began killing all the doctors in my sight, quickly and brutally. Layla was happy that I was finally doing what we've been dreaming of since day one.

Soon after killing all the doctors I could find I went into a storage closet and found some flammable liquid, and I walked around dumping it everywhere before lighting it with a lighter I took off one of the doctors bodies.

I was standing at the edge of the forest that surrounded the asylum watching it burn, basking in the screams of agony.

After a few hours of walking the sun began to set so I decided floated up into a tree and try to sleep, but the only thing I could think of was how good it felt to kill. The blood on my hands, their screams, the feeling was amazing.

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