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"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." -Albert Einstein

"Open up your textbooks to page 431 and read, please."

The history teacher gave the students this order after a lengthy lecture. Peter did so easily, glancing around as Ned mumbled to him about Star Wars. "Hey, so do you want to come over and watch the Phantom Menace with me?" The boy asked. Peter scratched the back of his neck, looking at him and nodding. "Sure. I'll just make sure it's okay with Aunt May and Uncle Ben."

Ned smiled, turning a page in his textbook as he finished a section. "Great."

Peter continued to read quietly, his brows furrowing as he looked up and scanned the room. Nothing was out of the ordinary, but something oddly tugged his attention to the back corner of the room.

It was where Aurora sat. She rarely spoke or looked up, only doing so when her name was called. He remembered the fourth grade where his peers had teased her, saying that she would never find a soulmate with that attitude. She never fought back though. She just kept her head down and impressively ignored the paper balls that were thrown at her head.

The bullying stopped in sixth grade. People had gotten over messing with her, and he had felt strangely relieved. It put him at ease when no one messed with her. This was odd, considering the two had never held a conversation before. The only time she had looked at him was in the seventh grade. Aurora had dropped her book and he picked it up. She had murmured a quiet thank you, locking eyes with him and she retrieved the book from his hand and rushed off.

Peter stared at the girl for a couple of more moments before tearing his eyes away just as the bell rang, signaling the end of the period. He gathered up his things alongside Ned and walked out of class.

He had chemistry next and Ned wasn't in that class with him. He sent a quick wave to the boy and sent a smile to Michelle who was walking into the class. She nodded at him slightly. "Hey, loser."

Peter rolled his eyes. He considered Michelle as a friend knowing fully well that she probably only thought of him as a lesser human being who she didn't have time for. Though that was just a guess, of course. He supposed he knew deep down though that she maybe, just maybe, had a soft spot for him and Ned.

Michelle sat down and Peter took his seat next to her, wincing as Flash shoved the back of his head as he passed. "Sup, Parker."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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