Comatose, berserk, adrift.

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Then I was falling too stunned to scream I was just falling. it felt like I was in a nightmare unable to move or wake up from the hell. I just let myself float there in agony until I could no longer stand the screaming pain connected with every part of my body

I opened my eyes as to find I was surrounded by water cold, clear, then I finally realized I wasn't dreaming I was actually in the water. It was then that I "woke up" realizing my worst fear had come to life I was about to die a slow painful death unable to move or stop it from happening because of the paralyzing pain that had me feeling as if were pinned against the ocean floor being crushed by my own existence. as I started to slowly drift into a painful sleep I was willing myself to move do something not just let myself die in agony. "But what's the point !"To live is the point !" My head was pounding as I finally forced myself to move first my arm but as I started slowly a shooting pain came through my body as it did the voice in my head screamed WAKE UP! And i started moving faster blocking out my pain as much as I could although underwater I could tell I was crying even as I squirmed to the surface coughing and sputtering my lungs still felt like I was down in the deep sea being crushed by my own existence they were stinging with pain as I rapidly searched for air which seemed to be far out of reach even as I was at the surface. Pain surged through my body as I limply swam to the water's edge. my head bobbing up and down as I ran out of energy to keep it above the cold surface. As I came closer the water became more shallow and had to drag my near lifeless body until I could no longer pull my own weight subsequent of the extreme pain that came even at the slightest movement. I had sunk an inch into the wet sloppy sand as I drifted off into a difficult sleep.

The first thing I remember is running I had to run I had to get away from whatever was chasing me

I needed to be gone away from the thing that followed me. I had no recollection of what or who I was running from or why I was running at all I just know that I had to run. As I ran I came upon a building its windows bare and dark it's door cracked and crooked. I pushed it open with force only pure adrenaline could make me use. When I was in, a wave of shock shot through me as I collapsed the feeling in my legs gone. I saw black as my head hit the floor sending pain surging through me with enough force to make me feel as if I would explode as dark surrounded me, the world leaving my sight. When I had awoken the first thing I felt was the pain surging through my head And the cold hard ground beneath me. I wasn't sure how long I'd been laying there. As Stiffly stood up feeling as if my legs would give way at any moment. I noticed that I was in a long dark and narrow hallway that was too dark at the end to see what might be down it. The longer I looked up down the hallway the more my eyes started to adjust. I turned the opposite way to see a door about three feet away. I limped over toward it now aware of the pain the pulsed through me I pushed it open only to find a long corridor my eyes now more adjusted I could see large puddles of smeared dark liquid. As I came closer to the large puddles I saw that some of them were still wet so I couldn't have been asleep for long because this had to have just happened. . . . . . But what had happened here ?. . . . . . Where is here? I just kept walking for what felt like hours swerving and climbing over and around beds and tables that were tipped over with pieces broken off. When I was done climbing over one of the many obstacles I came upon bags they were wet with spilled medicine and blood with the rest of their Contents strewn about and smashed into useless pieces of trash I got back up I was a little less stiff than went I had first awoken but not yet agile enough to move about quickly without worry of falling and cutting myself. I was beginning to tire when I finally reached the first door I looked through the smashed and bloody glass window I saw nothing but more bags with their contents scattered everywhere. What happened here? I thought to myself. I reached in and grabbed the Handle unlocking the door so I could enter. As I looked around I saw that the bed had been tipped over the sheets covered with dried blood.

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