Dream or Nightmare?

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At breakfast the next morning Professor McGonagall made an announcement:

" We will have a Polyjuice ball in one week. A Polyjuice ball is a dance where all participants will take a random Polyjuice Potion."    

Everyone was chatting animatedly about this new prospect.

"There will be a few rules. You will be transformed into someone of the same gender as you. Whoever it is will be in your dorm. Professor Slughorn is brewing it, especially so that the effect will last until ten. Also, your outfit WILL change into the outfit of whoever you are. After ten you will change back to yourself and your outfit. A day will be set aside to shop for suits and dresses."

The girls squealed in delight at the idea of buying (and wearing) dresses and having a ball. The boys groaned at the prospect of buying (and wearing) suits and having a ball. Hermione didn't know what to think. Was this going to be a dream come true or her worst nightmare?

A/N Hey guys. I'm glad I'm getting so many reads but Plz comment. I will reply ASAP to any comments



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