The Snake

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 Rilyn jerked awake, bolting up wright. A bright light piercing her brain. She pressed two fingers into her temples, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Her brain pounded so hard against her skull she thought it would crack it.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice spoke. It almost sounded concerned, but not quite. Not enough to trust him.

"No," Rilyn responded feeling bitter. How could a boy that was so nice in her dreams, be so... uncaring, and cold, in person. She pried her eyes open, everything was hazy for a moment, then it slammed into focus.

Cameron knelt a few feet in front of her. For just a second his face was etched in worry. Then it disappeared, as he noticed she was looking at him and replaced it with mild interest. He stood and walked to a small table.

Rilyn took a look around. Dull gray walls surrounded an almost empty room. The small table Cameron was at, was made of dark wood – maybe ebony? Sat against the far wall almost bare except something that looked suspiciously like a knife. "Is that a knife?" Rilyn exclaimed, clambering to her feet.

"What else would be?" Cameron said picking it up from the table.

"What ever you want me to say, that thing won't convince me, just like I'm assuming you used the gun for. I'm not talking."

Cameron chuckled looking slightly confused as he turned back around. "First of all, the knife's not to make you talk. And second of all what gun?"

"The one you cocked and uncocked right before that man interrogated me,"

For a second Cameron looked confused then realization dawned on his face and he said "Think whatever you like."

Rilyn glared at him.

"Can we get to training then?" Cameron said holding the knife up.

Rilyn took a step back. "Let me out," She said.

"Before you know who you are? That would be a mistake."

"What do you mean 'who I am'? Do you mean a freak that has an extremely rare blood disease, and has had to stay in the hospital for a month strait so doctors could make experiments on them? And someone who watched their best friend die right in front of them, and somehow knew it was their fault? And not just out of guilt. If that's the case then I already know." Rilyn snapped looking Cameron in the eye.

"I'll admit, that sounds a little odd, but I wasn't referring to any of that. I was talking about an ability you have that is incredibly rare,"

Rilyn laughed. "An ability? Like what? The ability to throw a knife straight?"

"No, and if you would stop talking I would show you,"

Rilyn shut her mouth, a little curious.

Cameron put the tip of the steel bladed knife on the tip of his index finger and dug it it. He stopped when blood began to come. At least she thought it was blood. It was dark and...

It couldn't be. She was the only one according the doctors. There couldn't be another person out there like her. He didn't look sick. She started to feel nauseated. Ever since Jessa's death Rilyn could look at blood without feeling sick. "Why is your blood... black," Rilyn choked on the last word.

"I'll show you," Cameron said. Before a single drop of blood dripped from his finger, he placed it in the air and began to draw. The weirdest part was the blood stuck in the air where his finger touched.

After a minute he stepped back looked at it. Then he touched it and a mouse fell to the ground then squeaked and scurried around the room.

"Oh my gosh," Rilyn exclaimed in an accusing tone. "How did you do that?!"

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