Part 1- Life and Death

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Death sat on her throne, her pale skin illuminated by the torches that lined the walls. She held a chalice tenderly with her fingertips, taking sips every now and then, listening to the cries of the dead that filtered through her palace. They weren't crying because they were sad or because they hated the Underworld; they were crying because they were lonely, most of them had no family down there to comfort them. Their screams and cries however gave Death a sense of accomplishment and triumph. She felt like she had accomplished her job, done what she was created to do. She was amidst her self-congratulations when a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Come in." She said, slightly disgruntled.

"My apologies Madame Death but someone is here to see you." Said one of her minions.

Like all her minions he had no eyes, a mouth which more resembled that of a turtle and wrinkled, dry skin. They served her without a second thought, she liked that about them. She just wished they weren't so hideous to look at. Her minion beckoned to the open door and a man walked in, not just any man. This man was Life himself. He stood tall and proud. His hair was golden and gave a slight glow, it was curly and bounced when he moved. His face was perfectly sculpted, his cheekbones and jawline were prominent and he had the face of someone who could sell you a car with only a wink. But this wasn't why Death liked him, no. It was because he was her counterpart, she would not exist without him, he gave her a purpose and for that she admired him. Most people assume that they are in a never-ending feud but it is quite the opposite, it's more like an unspoken trust.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure?" Death said as she adjusted herself on her throne.

"Unfortunately, I'm here on business." Life said, running his hand through his hair. "I need you to prematurely take life. I know it's not usual of me to ask this but I need you to do it."

"Something must be up if you need me to do this?" Death asked, leaning forward, intrigued.

"It's for the right reasons. Over-population and what not. Plus the people I need you to...prematurely unalive are not doing the world any good."

"Alright I'll do this for you...if you do something for me." Death said with a smirk.

"Sure, anything?" Life responded, taken aback.

"Have dinner with me tonight." She said, standing up from her throne. She walked over to Life, gracefully gliding across the floor, her long dark silk robes dragging behind her. Life smiled as she approached.

"Sure, dinner it is." He reached out to touch her but she reeled back. "Oh I'm sorry, am I reading the situation wrong.

"No, gosh no. It's just we can't touch. I guess when I was born or created or whatever, I was cursed, whatever I touch dies. Can't control it, never been able to. I've never touched a person who's wanted to touch me before. My touch brings death and frankly I don't want you to die."

"Oh, I see. Well I can create life with a touch, watch." He brought his hands together as if he was holding an invisible ball. His fingertips glowed and particles fell out of them and coalesced. The particles twirled and knitted themselves together. Roots formed and grew in his hand until he was holding a small daisy. He held it out to her and she hesitantly took it. As soon as her fingers touched the stem it withered away, like the life source was being sucked out of it. In the space of a few seconds she was holding a rotted, withered remnant of a flower. She looked at Life, her eyes were slightly red.

"I'm sorry." She said, letting it drop to the floor.

"I have a crazy idea. You destroy life, I create it. So together we should reach an equilibrium."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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