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Hiii guys 😊😊
Look at me updating two days in a row, wow, I'm so proud of myself 😂😂

This chapter will be all about Yugbam, you guys may not have noticed, but they are main characters just as well. And their story is important too.

Other than that, enjoy 😊❤


Yugyeom's POV:

I was in the kitchen, making some food for me and BamBam. I was mixing the ingredients when I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"Yugyummy what are you doing? " I heard BamBam's sweet voice asking as he rested his head on my shoulder. And I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from grinning like an idiot.

"Making food for both of us, love" I answered sweetly and I could feel him blushing even without looking at him.

"What about meeeeeeeee!!! " I heard Jackson complaining from the living room and everyone laughed but no one cared enough to answer him.

"Can I use your laptob, plwease? Mine isn't working" I laughed at his cute voice, and nodded, I can't say no to him.

"Thank youuu Gyeomi, you're the best! " he said with excitement and gave me a peck on the cheek, then ran happily out of the room.


I was done with the food, I divided it in two plates then headed towards my room, knowing BamBam would be there.

I opened the door, and placed the plates on the small table. I then turned to look at BamBam who had my computer on his lap. And noticed the shook expression on his face.

I started feeling worried when he slowly lifted his eyes from the screen, and gave me a cold glare.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? " I asked, fear building up inside of me.

"Why did you do that? " he asked through gritted teeth, glaring at me with so much anger.

"Do what? " I asked, totally oblivious, and he clicked his tongue with annoyance. He turned the computer, and my eyes met with the notes I wrote about his date with Jungkook.

My eyes widened in fear.

"W-wait, I c-can explain " I stuttered out, reaching to put my hand on his shoulder, but he yanked it away harshly.

"You have nothing to explain. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FUCKING FRIEND! I THOUGHT YOU'D BE HAPPY FOR ME! INSTEAD, YOU GO RUIN THE ONLY DATE I HAD WITH SOMEONE I REALLY LIKE! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU" he screamed in my face, I flinshed and took a step back, fighting the tears that were trying to show in my eyes.

"BamBam, calm down,I- " I tried to speak but he interrupted me.

"CALM DOWN!! HOW DO YOU WANT ME TO CALM THR FUCK DOWN??!!  YOU FUCKING BROKE MY CAR, YOU WANTED TO DRENCH ME IN WATER, YOU PAID A WAITRESS TO SPILL COFFEE ON ME!! THAT'S WAY TOO FAR. THAT'S CRAZY IF I SAY THE LEAST! "he continued screaming, and tears were brimming in my eyes. A tear escaped, rolling on my cheek, but he didn't notice it.

But I... Didn't do any of this.

Flashback (part 2)

I opened the door, it was non other than Jackson who wanted to borrow my car, I gave him the keys then went back to my laptop.

I read what I just wrote, and laughed quietly at myself.

There is no way I can ever hurt BamBam like that, if being with Jungkook is what will make him happy, then I can't do anything but sit back, and smile because he's smiling.

I put the computer back to its place, then laid down on the bed. Letting quite tears roll down my cheeks.

I'm so pathetic...

End of flashback

"BamBam, I didn't do anything " I said with a soffucated voice, trying my hardest not to break down in front of him.

"Oh really? You expect me to believe that? It's you who wrote these down, before the date even started may I add. How do you explain it happened, all of it? A ghost did it for example?" he asked sarcastically. And I let another tear escape my eye.

"BamBam... I swear I didn't do any of this." I whispered with a broken voice.

"Oh shut the fuck up! You still think you can lie to me? I hate you, I fucking hate you!" He spitted with disgust. And I could hear my heart breaking.

Of course he wouldn't believe me.

He doesn't give a fuck about how I feel anyways. All he cares about is Jungkook, and his own happiness. He can't see how much he is tearing me apart now. Every harsh word he's spitting is like a knife cutting through my chest. But he doesn't care.

"Why did you do that? Huh? " he demanded with an angry voice, and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

I broke down in tears, feeling so emotionally exhausted, I felt broken, wrecked. I hated myself for falling for him, I hated myself for letting him break me this way, but I couldn't hate him, not even a bit. He seemed taken off guard when he saw me crying, it's like he didn't know he was hurting me.

"It's because I love you, I fucking love you dumbass, I love you so much it hurts. " I said through my tears. And he froze in place, eyes wide in shock.

"And I didn't do anything to ruin the date, for god's sake. Believe me or don't, I just wrote that note down, before realizing I couldn't hurt you like that" I cried out, turning my face away from him.

"God, I don't even give a fuck if you don't believe me. I am so done with this, it hurts so much, I'm so done with it. " I screamed, surprising even myself.

I then headed towards my bed, got out my suitcase and started packing my clothes. I can't take this anymore, it's tiring and I just want to escape it.

"W-what are you doing? " he asked quietly.

"I'm moving out" I answered, tears still rolling down my face.

"Yugyeom, I'm so sorr-" he started, moving closer to me.

"Don't say anything, please. I know you don't give a fuck about me. Don't try to act like you care. " I interrupted him. Looking at him with teary eyes.

"But I do ca-" he tried again but I didn't give him the chance.

"It's too late to care, just leave me alone now" I said calmly. And he stared at me for a moment, guilt obvious in his eyes, then left the room.

Protected by a ghost ~Vkook~ (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now