Chap 1- We did not get thrown out! We walked out...

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Chapter 1 - We did not get thrown out! We walked out...

Mark's POV

O.K. So, to say I was surprised when Samantha Hunter and her team appeared on my door step is world's biggest understatement. 'Um...' I muttered, staring at her...Well, staring at her lips, and then her chest, and then her legs, and then...Oh, you get the point. What can I say, though? I'm a guy... We invented the word, "pervert."

She cleared her throat, and my gaze darted up to her eyes, and I struggled to hold them there, 'yeah, um...what the heck are you doing here? You know your Father doesn't like it.'

'My Father can go to hell for all I care,' her voice was icy cold, and Tancred- the half werewolf, half hunter thing- stepped forward, putting his hand lightly on her shoulder, maybe it was a comforting motion, in Samantha's eyes, but, in werewolf language, that basically meant, "stay the hell away from her, she's mine."

I bared my teeth slightly, furious that he'd been able to see though me this quickly, 'Sam, the full moon is near, we shouldn't have come to the lycans, not at this time of the month.' Tancred's voice was quiet, but I wasn't the only one who could hear the possessive tone to it.

'Tancred, if that's true, then get the hell away from me,' Samantha's eyes never left my face, 'we need them, Tank, we need shelter, food and protection... Who else do you think would even be able to consider that?'

Tancred snarled, his hand dropping from her shoulder, to her waist, and yanking her back towards him. I closed my eyes, trying to force down the fury that was building up inside me, how dare he touch what's mine... Oh, wait a second, she isn't mine. Whoops.

'Tancred,' Samantha's snarl caused my eyes to snap open, 'Cut. It. Out.'

She jerked in his grip, and, unable to help myself, I grabbed her arm, and speeded the process up, yanking her towards my own body. 'Urgh, you stupid guys,' Samantha snarled into my chest, 'maybe we shouldn't have come here.

I fought down the panic that exploded in my body as she said this, closing my eyes, and breathing her scent in deeply- it was a rich scent, kind of like chocolate, and a mixture of sunshine tingled with old pine.

That was when I realised it.

She was mine.

The air sparked, and...I don't know how to explain it...A, sort of, golden light, shimmied in the air as my wolf dived into her mind, begging her to be mine, to realize she was mine. The light grew stronger; she was going to accept...

'No!' Tancred's howl snapped the connection like scissors cutting though paper, 'she's mine, no one else's! Mine! Her Father said...'

Time seemed to freeze, as did Samantha...My Samantha...God those words felt so...right. So- wait a second...was she...crying? NO! My baby couldn't be hurt; I couldn't let anyone hurt her! She was-

'Yours,' Samantha whispered, turning to face Tancred.

Tancred's POV

How dare he steal what's mine!

How dare he!

She doesn't even know him!

She's making the biggest mistake of her life!

She's ruining her life...

Our life...

Anger was making me lose control, making the beast surge though me, making me feel almost...rogue...Power exploded within me, pulling away the rest of my humanity and forcing me to change form...Into my real form. My body seemed too exploded, and I twisted, landing on all fours with an inhuman grace...Well, inwolf grace, but still...You get what I mean...

'Tancred,' Sam yelled.

My Sam...I had to stop this before I hurt her...I had to-

*Do you want him to win* my beast demanded softly, *want him to fuck her at night? To hear her scream? To hear her sob as his beast took over? To show her what a real wolf can do?*

*NO!* I snarled, struggling against my beast *I would never hurt her...Not in that way...*

*You would* it replied, its voice as soft and quiet as ever *because I would take over.*

*NO!* I was gasping for air... For control...For help...

*I will always take over* its voice as soft as ever, began turning, changing.

*No* I whispered, realising who it was...It wasn't my beast...It had never been my beast...It was...

'Father,' Sam gasped, and I struggled to turn my head towards her, my unwilling lips curling back, over my teeth, my unwilling voice growling at her... At Sam.

Anger surged though the night, fuelling my own, making me almost taste the bitter sweet sensation of someone going though what I was...Feeling what I was...


Someone slammed into me, and I felt their thought slamming into me...Not thoughts, memories; Me and Sam sitting on the beach, me and Sam laughing at a stupid pair of vamps, me and Sam holding on to each other tightly, wanting comfort...

And nothing more...

I clung on to that thought; I had never wanted her, it had always been Him, Sam's Father, he was the one that wanted this...Because...

'Because it would ruin us,' Sam whispered at the same time as I thought it.

Her hands were gently running along my sweaty pelt of fur, making me lean into her. It felt good, but not in that way, she wasn't mine, never was, and HE couldn't change that. 'Breathe,' Sam whispered, her hands trembling as she began to hum the song I taught her.

The song we made together...

Our song...

When we were friends.

'NO!' I heard Sam's Father scream, but this time, I was sure I heard it aloud, not telepathically.

'Come on, Tank,' Sam whispered, and I pressed my fur further against her, struggling to keep hold on my beast.

That was when I heard the voice.

Not Sam's Father's, another...Oddly familiar... *Mark?* I thought, new tremors running though my body. I knew they were mate's, and if he was pissed off with me that much he would-

*I would do no such thing* his voice was gentle, but it had the same commanding tone that an alpha had, and I whimpered slightly in submission.

*Take him* Sam's Father snarled, and his blast of anger surged though me, making me think of other things...Things I really didn't want to think.

I started trembling again. I knew I didn't have to do this. I couldn't do this...I just needed-

*Help* Sam and Mark chorused, and their joint power sang though me, blocking out Sam's Father, and the rest of the world.

*Rest, Tancred* Sam's voice was soft.

*We shall talk of how to block your thoughts when you wake up, pup* I felt mark smile down the line as he said that.

And then...Nothing.

I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

Sam's POV

And here comes hell...

Hey, this alright?

I'm kinda lettin the storie right itself here ;)

I hope you come back to read more when i next update


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