Zac & Maria

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Jacob's POV

I woke up to my Alarm clock

I then read the time as it said "6:23"

Oh no, im gonna be late for school.

So i quickly took a shower and toasted some bread then ran to School

I arrived at the School gates and checked my watch

For the time "6:56" it read

Oh nooo im super late

I quickly ran to my classroom and saw 2 people that seemed new.

My teacher then shouted Jacob why are you Late!!

Im sorry ma,am

"Detention after class"

Yes teacher..

Then i went to my seat Which was behind Hallie's seat

She passed a paper to me that said

Jacob, Where have you been?!

I was worried about you.

"I wrote back then passed the paper"

ehehe... about that... i woke up late

Anyways who are the two new people?

They look very close like their in a relationship... but not quite.. -.-

Hallie passed the paper back it read

Oh ok. Their names are Zac and Maria our teacher

Announced earlier that they were transfer students

I heard they are Childhood friends..

I replied on the paper

"Oh thats why they look close"

Hallie's POV

I stared at Zac and Maria and thought

"I guess they do look close"

**Time Skip After School and detention**

Jacob's POV

"Hey, Hallie im hungry wanna go to the Conveniance store together?"

"Ok sure" She replied with a happy smile :)

"Let's go then!!" I said as i grabbed her by the hand and ran.

We stopped running cos we were tired, while we were walking

Me and Hallie noticed Zac and Maria walking together to the

Conveniance store, it seemed to us that they were talking

So we went to them and said

"Hi, I'm Hallie"

"And i'm Jacob" they replied

"I'm Zac"

"I'm M-Maria" she spoke up

Hallie's POV

"Hi Zac hi maria, Can i ask a question?"

"Sure" They both replied happily

"Are you guys dating?"

"N-No I only see her as a sister and I sorta like someone else" Zac replied

"Ehhhh.. what's with the stuttering?"

A second Later Maria runs away with tears on her eyes

Maria's POV

Tears fell off my eyes as my body started running

not knowing to where or why i felt this broken thing inside hurting, aching

only to find out it was my heart.

i soon realized i was running of to my apartment that i shared with Zac.

i arrived at my apartment

i checked the time it was 6:11.

it was an hour after i ran away from them.

"hmm i'm hungry i thought to myself"

i decided to go cook omellette

while i was cooking omellette i heard the door open

i heard a voice

"Maria, Are you here?"

That voice was Zac's

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