The Lightning Storm

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Roasealine's POV

Lifting my eyes open, I heard several loud cracks, that made me jump up and out of my covers. My silk nightgown swaying around my ankles. There was a thunder and lightning storm. I thought about going to Maria's bedroom, so she can sing me her lullaby.

Getting up from my bed, I open my door and walk to her room. The hallways had lights on, and it was silent with the exception of the storm.

I reached her room and quietly opened the door, just a crack, to see all of the Von Trap children surrounding Maria's bed, listening to her talk and sing.

I looked at them sadly, at how happy they all looked. It reminded me of when I had my parents. Granted I still have my father, but he doesn't want anything to do with a kind yet spoiled child that looks too much like her mother.

" Do you think Rosealine will come?" Asked Gretel. A look of realization crossed over Maria's face and she looked outside. She must have only now remembered my great fear of loud noises.

" With the loudness of the thunder and lightening, she most definitely will." Maria said. I stared at her. She was so kind. As I say stared at her, I didn't notice a certain blonde looking straight into my eyes. The ones that were welling up with tears. I knew he was looking straight at me. And it made my heart race. Why would he be looking at me? What was to look at?

" Why would the loudness of the thunder be reason for her to come?" Asked Leisel.

The thunder clapped loudly outside and I covered my quivering mouth with a trembling hand before I could let out a gasp. It reminds me of war. Cannons, and bombs, and gunfire. Old men shouting orders to the crew as enemies fire at us. It terrified me, and still does.

I quietly stepped away from the door and rushed down the hall, before I could turn the corner a hand grabbed my elbow and brought me back into their chest. I stood there as the person wrapped their arms around me. It always felt wrong to me. I never loved to be touched, it always felt like I was being burned. But this felt different. Almost like it used to with an old love. So I shoved that person away and without even looking at them, walked to my room.

" You can't hide in your room forever, and when you do come out of hiding, I'll be waiting." I came to a stop in front of my door and looked back out to where I had been grabbed, the tears had now stopped running down my cheeks, and I saw Fredrick, standing there, looking at me with an emotion in his eyes that I hadn't seen in a long time. I was curious, why give me this treatment? After only learning his name just hours before. Why look at me the way he, used to look at me?

I opened the door to my room and looked at him one last time. One last time. And he looked at me. But it looked like something possessed him, because in a few short seconds, he was standing right next to me. I backed up to get more space, but he invaded it. I backed up more and he did the same thing. Soon I was backed up to the wall at the end of the hallway ( mine is the very last room on that hallway). His hands were on either side of my shoulders as he looked down at me. As he then stepped closer to make the distance between us minimal, I felt a wonderful sensation in my body. One had experienced before and one that
I never wanted to let go of.

" Why do you run from me?" He murmured. This behavior had just happened so suddenly that I was at a loss for words.

" Why do you corner me as if I were someone's prey?" I quietly asked back. He leaned in even closer to me and lowered his head.

" Because as of now, you are. " He said to me.

'what?' he was so different only minutes ago, how could he change from a cute boy to a handsome young man in seconds?
I thought
" I think not, a young women should never be thought of  as 'prey' or anything else of a possessive nature for that matter. Now if you would kindly give me my space back, I would like to return to my bed. Goodnight, Fredrick was it? Sweet dreams." I said and dismissed myself out of his hold on me.

" Goodnight, Miss Roeses." He said to me as he leaned down and lightly pressed his lips under my ear. The thunder clapped again outside and it caused me to gasp and grab onto his upper arm. And they were strong and firm. He chuckled at me and stepped back, giving me that space I asked for.

" Sweet dreams." He walked to the third door on the right, opened the door, and went inside.

'mom, what have I gotten into?'

I walked back into my room and attempted to go to sleep. My mind was kept awake after the events that just unfolded right in front of me, literally. He just changed personalities in just a few moments.

The thunder died down, and so did my fast heart beat. As I was drifting into sleep I lightly sang my mother's lullaby.

" I wish you well my dear one
May all the bad be done
May fortune find you always
And remember to be kind
Be loyal to yourself, to God and to me
Just look up to vast sky
And there you will find me

Hate and fear come easy
But love and cherish reign
I wish you well my dear one
May all the bad be done..."

After the second verse I then started to drift off, and before my eyes could be fully shut, my door opened, and in came a beautiful blonde boy.

" What do you want Freidrick?" I mumbled into my pillow. He sat down on the bed next to me and moved the hair out of my face.

" You. Goodnight my Rose." He said, cupping my cheek. I attempted to sit up but he gently pushed me down by pressing my shoulder.

" Goodnight." I mumbled to him as he walked out.

I soon started to fall asleep again with confusion and frustration.

I'm Impossible ( Sound of Music/ Fredrick Von Trap Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now