Married to a jerk at 18? What the hell?!

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Disclaimer: All belongs to SM, except for the plot and the characters I make up! Other than those two things it belongs to SM.

Marriage at 18 to a jerk!

*Chapter 1*

Marriage at 18? What kind of family would arrange their daughter to get married at 18? Well my parents have. I'm Isabella Marie Swan the daughter of the 2nd richest family in England. My parents, Charles and Renee, have chosen Edward Anthony Cullen to be my husband. Edward or as I like to call him Dickward is the son of the 1st richest family of Europe, is 19, and the meanest idiotic jerk I have ever met. Just last week he went racing with a couple of his friends and guess what? He smashed into a flower shop! Thank god no one got hurt but I was hoping Edward would get hurt so I wouldn't have to marry him. I know I'm being mean, maybe he'll be a good husband. Not! He would never make a good husband, boyfriend or friend! He doesn't understand that you can't have fun all the time; you have to be serious sometimes. I can't believe my parents are doing this to me, don't they love me? I would love for Esme and Carlisle to be my in-laws, they are amazing people, but their son needs to be taught how to treat girl. He's not a player but he is a major jerk, the jerks that play around and drink alcohol jerk. How could have my parents thought he was a good match for me? I don't know what the hell they were thinking!

Oh god, please help me.

"Miss. Swan, the Cullen's are here." said my maid/BFF Alice.

"Ali, you know you can call me Bella, we're best friends, I don't consider you my maid I consider you my sister." I smiled.

"Okay, Bella. I'm just so tired of putting up that act!" she laughed sitting down on my bed.

Alice is a run way, not a slave run way. I mean please it's the 21st century she ran away from her parents because they wanted her to get married to a dude named James, who kinda raped her before she found out she was marrying him. So she, like any other girl who was marrying a rapist, ran away. I found her in an alley as I was passing by and helped her, being the nice girl I am. I told my parents that she is a new maid I hired, because if I told them she was a run away they would have put it in the newspapers and flyers and that creep would find her, I couldn't let her marry him. I felt a connection with her, as soon as I saw her in the alley I knew I had to help her, and be her friend. So here she is my BFF/sister Alice Brandon.

"I told you, you should have just told my parents. I could have told them if they loved me they wouldn't let you leave. I'm a nice girl."

"You nice? Haha! You put ants down Emmett's pants when he was 10 saying ants in your pants is good luck!" she laughed. Emmett is my big bro; he is now in America studying in medical school.

"Hey, his dog ate my favorite dress!"

"Whatever, anyway you need to put on an awesome dress and get your ass down there before your mom does it for you."

"'Kay fine, tell her I'll be down in 10 minutes."

"Okay, see ya. I hope that Edward dude isn't an idiot like shown on T.V."

"Me too." I sighed.

"Well good luck, do you want me to stay and do your hair?" she asked

"I would but remember, Jazz your lunch date?" Jazz is Alice's crush. Alice is Jazz's crush, but I'm not telling them. He he I'm evil!

"Oh yeah, bye!"

"Bye." I laughed.

I walked to my closet and looked through my dresses; I chose a light blue dress. (Pic on profile) I quickly put on the dress and put on some make-up. I put on my light blue ballet flats and walked downstairs. My hair was in curls because of the shower I took this morning; I looked in the mirror at the bottom of the stairs before going into the living room. I looked pretty, my hair was tamed, my make-up looked good, I smelled like lavender, and my breath smelled good. I know I hate Edward but I have to make a good impression for his parents don't I? I walked into the living room; Edward was sitting in the love seat, looking bored as ever, his parents were on the couch talking to my parents who were sitting across them in the other couch. My mom looked over to me, smiling, and mouthed, "You look beautiful."

I mouthed back a 'thanks'.

"Esme, Carlisle this is my daughter Isabella." My mother said, standing up and putting her arms around me.

"Wow, Renee she's beautiful." said Carlisle

"Thank you Mr. Cullen." I blushed.

"Please call me Carlisle, Mr. Cullen makes me feel old." He smiled.

I blushed again.

"What a beautiful blush." said Esme.

"Thank you Mrs. Cullen."

"Esme, please call me Esme." She smiled.

"Edward this is Isabella." said Carlisle.

Edward looked up and breathed, "Whoa."

I blushed.

"Edward, this is Isabella, the girl we told you, you were marrying." added Esme.

He just stared at me.

"Well, um, Isabella, Carlisle and I have arranged you and Edward to have lunch at L'Abat Jour so you two can get to know each other. Are you okay with that?" said Esme.

"It's fine Esme. Thank you." I smiled.

"I love her! She's is like the daughter I've always wished for and now she's going to be my daughter in-law!" exclaimed Esme, running up to me and hugging me. I hugged her back.

"I hope you can change my son." She whispered into my ear.

"I'll try."

"Thank you." She pulled away, smiling.

"Well, I should tell you the day of the wedding. It's on September 13th, Isabella's birthday."

"Perfect! We get to gift our Isabella twice! She never liked presents but it's her wedding and birthday so she has to accept it." My mom clapped.

"Mom, please no." I whined.

"Yes, and don't you dare say you won't accept it, because you will."

"Fine." I sighed.

"Well you and Edward better get going. Edward get up." said Carlisle.

Edward got up and walked over to me, brushing his hand against mine. I felt an electric current pass through me, Edward must have felt it too because he looked at his hand then back at me.

I looked at him too, "Um, Isabella let's go." Edward said in a beautiful velvety voice, grabbing my hand; I felt the current again. That's just weird, whatever.

He opened the passenger door for me and I sat. He got to his side and turned on the car, and drove off.

"Isabella, you look beautiful." He said.

"Cut the crap." I sneered.

"What?" he looked at me.

"Don't pretend. I'm only doing this because I have to."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're a jerk, your parents are getting me married to you so you can change, then I can divorce you and live happily."

"Wow, your smart. Do you actually think I care? I was being nice; I don't want to marry you either. So we act for our parents and others then when I 'change' which I'm not, I'm going to act you then can go off and live your life agreed?"


An: So what do you think? Do you like it? Tell me what you think in a comment please! That's important since this is a new story.

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