A Savior is born

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         Eren POV
Where am I why is it so dark
Random person POV
I want my mommy I'm so hot please I don't want to die alone!!. (Eren makes his way towards her)
Eren POV
Your not going to die alone I'm here with you. What is your name
Random person POV
My name is Rose... Rose Marry.
Eren POV
Well Rose Marry it's nice to meet you and don't worry I'm going to get us out of here just hold on
Rose POV
How are you going to get us out of here. I mean where inside a Titan stomach we can't climb are way up it throat And we can't cut are way out so how are we going to get out of here. I appreciate you trying to give me hope but there is no possible way we can get out of here.
Eren POV 
I'm not sure yet but I will think of something because I need to know that everyone is safe.
Rose POV
I'm sure. Your family is safe.
Eren POV
I don't have a family I was referring to everyone in are army preferably the 104 
I promised myself that i would keep them safe even if I have to come back as the one thing I hate the most.
Rose POV
and what is the one thing you hate the most.
Eren POV
Well I'll give you a hint we're inside of it right now. Ever since I was a kid I have hate them because the kept me from exploring the world all I ever wanted to do  thanks to my friend Armin was to see the outside world the sea which is full of salt, Fire water, ice ground, fields of sand, but another reason for my hatred of the Titans was when i was ten years old when Shiganshia fell when i saw my own mother eat'n in front of me (Roses eyes begin to widen).
Rose POV
Eren POV
it's okay but will get us out of here and make sure what happened to me never happen's to any one else. I swear by my own life I will ride this world of the Titans ( electricity begins to spring off of Eren causing Rose to gasp which Eren begins to relies what is happening and looks straight and raise is fist and shouts) I will get us out of here and then I am going to crush all of them with my bare hand I swear to it.
(Right then a huge hand shoots out of the bearded Titans mouth as it collapses then out of the back of the Titan springs a 25 meter tall Titan with pointy ears long black hair with an elongated mouth green eye's the the Titan opens its closed fist to reveal a shocked and frighten Rose as she looks the Titan in the face)
Rose POV
Eren is that you (the Titan opens it mouth and Sayers)
Eren POV
Yeah it's me
Rose POV
Holly crap you actually did turn into a Titan a 25 meter to be precise. So now that we're out what are we going to do.
Now we're going to make sure everyone is alright and if I'd have to guess everyone who is alive is probably needs to get resupplied so there probably heading toward the fort
Well then what are we waiting for ( Eren nods he closes his first not all the just enough to protect rose from the wind as he started to run towards the fort)

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