Happy is a one time thing

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Once a girl named Alana she lived in a big house with big nice things but she was not happy at all her parents never payed attention to her she became sad because all she wanted was attention One day she came up to her parents and said mom and dad I want tension I don't want all these fancy things they just make up for you not giving me attention that's all I need and that's all I'm axing for please mom and dad but her parents did not listen they started to give her attention but they never gave her full attention so she became sad and she became mad she was the tireman to make her parents give her attention then one day she went in her room and she shut the door and she prayed she said you got a violent please tell my parents to give me attention that's all I need I feel like no one is helping me and loving me but except for you and you Lord Jesus Christ our Lord thank you but got answered her blessings but it was a little too much attention then after that she was she had never asked God for that she had saw that too much attention on her with too much but then one day she had grew old she was 90 and then she had died she was excepted and the kingdom of heaven and then she always fill have to be happy after that she became a joyful angel and join her mother and her father that I'm not fine moral of story: God will give you all you need.

Happy is a one time thing Where stories live. Discover now