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Lucille's POV
*7 years ago, December 8th, 2009*

It was my 11th birthday that night. Back then, I lived in Canada so I was used to the cold. But this night was especially a cold night. Even through my thick, soft warm pajamas, my thick fuzzy socks & my thick wool turtleneck sweater I was still shivering. I wasn't just shivering, though, due to the unbearably cold weather. Downstairs, my parents were fighting & arguing & I could tell this night was going to be bad. Lately, they had been going on like this. Every night, my parents would yell at each other & scream & holler at the top of their lungs. So much so, you'd be surprised their vocal cords didn't just rip out. They'd say really cruel stuff to each other & scream absurdities at each other & cuss at each other. Occasionally, my dad would even beat my mom. Those were the nights that I cried myself to sleep. One day at school, my teacher even noticed my eyes were red & puffy. They asked if I was tired & I said no. Then they asked if I had been crying & that's when I fessed up & told them everything.

"John, listen to me, this has got to stop!", my mother yelled at my father. "John, are you even listening to me?!".

"Yes, you cheap, filthy, big mouthed wh*re!", my father hollered, "I am listening to you!". "I could probably hear you all the way from Mexico the way you're screeching!", my father continued to yell, "Now will you please shut the f*ck up!".

My mother suddenly got the quiet voice & I knew when she got the quiet voice never to mess with her. "Now John, you listen here & you listen right now". I could hear the acid leaking from her voice. "Lucille"- my mom began. Oh fuck, oh fuck, they're talking about me! I leaned closer to my bedroom door, wanting to see what they had to say about me. "told her teacher about us", my mom continued. "She told her about how me & you always fight, how you come home drunk every night & yell at me & best the sh*t out of me", she told him. Once my mom finished speaking, I heard the chair from underneath the table screech on the kitchen floor & then slam into the table. I heard footsteps stomp up the stairs & my mother yell after my father. "John, please no!". "Please, John, don't hurt my baby girl!". "Oh yea?!", my father hollered, "Then maybe she should've kept her little mouth shut!". Then I heard my bedroom door fling open & i got sent flying back against my wall, hitting my face against the door. "You", my father said. "You filthy, god damn, big mouthed sl*t". "You will pay for what you have done to this family". With that, he began to beat me until darkness consumed me & I remembered no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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