Seeing Double

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(Hermiones pov)

I walk onto the train with a set face.I need to sorts out the basics.I need to find a compartment,and not an empty one so I look like a loner.Make friends and enjoy the ride.

I roll my trunk along politely saying good morning to everyone I pass.I peek into compartment after compartment.full.full.FULL.

I let out a frustrated sigh.Was I ever going to find a compartment?I peek into another one and see a boy talking to a short girl.

I cough to signal them that I'm at the door,they don't even look up."Rude," I mutter then I quickly grin,"I'm Hermione Granger!"

Still no damn reply.I crossed my arms in anger,who did these people think they were?

"I'm sitting here now," I announce loudly putting away my trunk and sitting next to the girl.

She turns to me slowly and then turns away coldly.By now my mouth is open,how can people be SO rude?!

"Why I ought too-" I hear snickers then loud chortles of laughter.

I peek under each seat and see two identical red headed boys.I cross my arms and look from one to the other demanding an explanation.

"Gladly," one of them says plopping onto a seat,"It's a muggle hologram touch it and see!"
I looked at him spectically before reluctantly reaching out towards the girl.

She fizzled and glitches then disappeared."Woow," I
mumbled,"Can I do it to the other one  too?"

"Go right ahead," said the other boy.I  did and smiled in satisfaction as the boy disappeared.

"Love to stay and chat," one brother said springing up."But duty calls," finished the other and they ran out leaving Me  alone.

"Great," I muttered,"Beyond fabulous even."

I sat and looked out the window as the train rolled along.I  was about to grab a book from my  trunk when a boy ran into the compartment door causing me to jump.

He rubbed his nose and muttered an 'ow' before sliding it open."H-hi my name is Neville,um,have you seen a toad?"

I shake my head,"no,sorry,would you like me to help you find it?"

He nods sheepishly and I spring up and out of the compartment.

I slide open a door to see a red headed boy and a boy with messy black hair.

"Have you two seen a toad?A boy name Neville's lost it."

The red head shakes his head,mouth full of chockate."Ew," I mutter to myself before saying,"I'm Hermione Granger,"

I turn to the red head,"And you are?"

"Phon Measely," he says his mouth still full,I turn to the other boy for help and he grins.

"He's Ron,and I'm-" "HARRY!" I cut him off with a grin."'Mione," he says back.We hug tightly and then I pull away.

"Well I need to help the poor boy look for his road,oh and I suspect we'll be arriving soon you should change into your robes."

I walk out before peeking back in and adding,"And Ron,you have a blotch of dirt on your nose,right there." I points to the side of my nose then walk off.

I look all over the train but cannot find his road so I change into my robes and I'm about to go look again.

I peek into one and freeze in my tracks.That same girl I'd seen in Diagonal Alley when I thought I hadn't.She looked just like me!

I quickly pull my head back and frown, no,no,Hermione your being silly,your probably tired.

I go back to my compartment for the rest of the ride.

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