Tag ·3·

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I was tagged by my best pal Gintokilover01! :3
Oh I was tagged two more times.

Okay then AlfredKirklandz and Alfred_Kirkland Thank you guys for considering as best pals! You both are the best!

The following are people who I consider friends, well online friends.

TayShow12 °·know her in real life she's always there when you need someone.·°

http-cardinal °·Love roleplaying and chatting with her. She's an amazing person.·°

MelanyWho °·She is my actual real life best pal. She has been ignoring me lately I don't know why. Heh this is what she gets for not verifying her account.·°

_APH_Mexico_ °·How would I not love this cute human?·°

TequiTacoMex °·Tu eres muy agradable y eres una de la mejores personas en este mundo (You are very nice and you are one of the best people in this world.) ·°

Now 15? I don't think I have that many but she -> Fun_bun was my very first follower so I consider her special in my book and her books are amazing but I don't know where she is though.

Fuyumifireicesatan °· She is also very special to me. ·°

Well everyone is special here since we're all unique.

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