Intro Scene: Revelation

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"How does it feel to know your fighting your dad?"

Anger and shock risen within the young teenager. Seth Harper, the evil tech billionaire that tried to kill them all, was his birth father? How was this possible? Was Randall just a set up then? That would make sense if the real dad was here all along. He didn't know what to think. All the weight that had been off his shoulders was now back twice as hard. He wanted to hit his head against a wall. But, he had no idea. It's not like it was his fault. It's everything is expanding into something bigger. Maybe even worse.

"No comment? No freaking out over this?" Seth wondered.

Ryan didn't say a word. He kept staring back at the man.

"Wow, I'm impressed. I guess you've had enough bomb drops to the point nothing surprises you anymore. Am I right?" Seth asked.

Ryan didn't even flinch.

"Your stronger than I thought. That's good. A partner like you is exactly what I need. I'll see you later...son." Seth finished.

The robot powered back on as the chat was cut short. The room was silent. No one moved from their spot. The young pilot removed the harness from his waist. As it was lifted and locked back up, he bit his lower lip. He turned around and looked at the creator of the robot. He could tell the first words out of his mouth was going to be an apology. But, the technopath didn't stick around to hear it as he walked past the scientist. His footsteps grew softer as he left the control center.

"I told you." Mark stated.

He began to climb down the ladder. Harris and Spyder had gotten up as well. Veracity walked up next to the scientist.

"How did you even find out?" Harris asked.

Leo sighed.

"I took some of Ryan's blood and ran a DNA test on it. I was trying to track down his mom. Seth popped up instead." He explained.

"Seth? Out of all people?" Spyder questioned in shock.

"Wait, DNA tests are supposed to calculate your race. Heritage included. How did it know about his parents?" Veracity inquired.

"I didn't use a regular DNA test. Since I was tracking someone in his family, I modified the test. That's why it was able to link to anyone part of his blood line." Leo went into depth.

The team glanced at one another.

"This is why I said we should've told him in the first place. Now he's probably gonna be mad for months." Mark scolded.

Leo looked back at him.

"We?" Harris asked.

Mark was furious, but the look on his face said otherwise. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"You knew?" Spyder questioned him.

Mark shuffled his feet.

"Than your just as guilty!" Veracity shouted.

"Ok ok! Look, I wanted to tell him, but no. HE wanted to keep this a secret because it was better this way." Mark replied while pointing at Leo.

The older genius glared at him. He then sighed shook his head.

"Alright the point is, he knows. We'll just, have to accept that." Leo said.

Mark and the others nodded.


The young teenager made his way to the lounge. He turned the computer back on. Using the mouse, he clicked on the file that Leo was so desperately trying to hide. Once it had open, the same words had popped up from before. He rolled his eyes. He used his powers to block that. That's when all the information started to pour out.
The young man found several documents on various jobs and applications. He saw different types of handwriting. He took a guess that Leo was trying to see which person came close to having the same qualities as his mother had. While searching through that, he saw tests and experiments being done. It wasn't about the technopathic abilites. This was a blood test. The freshman had remembered giving the older scientist some of his blood. He never knew why though. That is, until right now.
Once he looked through all the papers, he began to view the results. One was a fail and the others came up the same. The teen had began to dig deeper. Something was locked inside the folder. Taking another guess, Leo had probably been prepared for anyone that goes through it. Using his powers once more, he unlocked the remaining information. But once he did, he wished he hadn't.
Ever since this robot became a part of his life, the kid wanted to know who his parents were. He wanted to know what else he was meant for. To find out who he was. And for the first time, the answers might be in front of him. It was true. It was all true. He thought it might've been a lie. That he was just trying to mess with his head. Well, he's looking at it. He's looking at everything he never wanted to be. To even think for a second that they were the same. And now, they just could be.
Without realizing it, the technopath caused a spark. The computer had shut off. He wanted this to be some kind of joke. I mean, it's not a funny joke, but it would be a good one. He could tell this wasn't one however. It was confirmed. It was sealed. He couldn't escape the truth. No matter what he has been through, he had been...this the entire time. He was adopted to be a Walker. Although in reality, he was a Harper.
A few more sparks had set off. His emotions weren't being contained very well at the moment. The technopathy within him spiked. Continuous sparks happened everywhere while certain pieces of tech were acting up. He felt it. He felt the shuddering sensation of having Harper blood inside of him. The chance of him being evil was no longer deniable. It wasn't a sealed fate, however, that doesn't mean it's ignorable.
His back slid down the wall. His knees propped up in front of him as he crossed his arms on top of them. Sparks began to grow into mini explosions. It didn't cause a fire thankfully, but it was just enough to grab everyone's attention. Not that the other sparks hadn't caused some kind of notice. The pilot's forehead rested on his arms as everything around him was either being tampered with or electrocuted.
The team quickly headed over to the lounge. They could see that some items contained some smoke on them. When trying to walk over to the young man, another spark went off. It caused everyone to jump considering it came so close. The technopath knew they were there. He didn't want to be coddled or even sympathied at the moment. He wanted to be alone. He hadn't cried once, which is weird since finding out that your related to an evil, crazy, clever, horrible billionaire should do the trick.
Mark sighed. He turned and faced everyone. He signaled them to leave. Though thinking it would be better if they had stayed, they did as told. Leo gave the sixteen year old one last look before going with the others. The second oldest had then made his way over to him. He slid his back down the wall and sat beside the pilot. He lifted his head and let his knees fall. The back of his head was against the wall. He closed his eyes as he sighed.

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