Melting Candles

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December 23, 1994

"Mommy~ I wanna go!" Jessica whines, kicking the back of her mother's seat. "Jessie, we can't..." She tries to sooth the upset 6 year old. "But I wanna go! Daddy, let's go!" The young child switches to her father, pulling the big does eyes.

"Jessica, listen." He looks at her through the rear view mirror. "The weather is really bad sweetie." He swaps gazes to the snow storm in front of them. "We need to get home as soon as possible. Do you understand, Jessie?" The young girl, thinks it over, knowing daddy was correct. "But, I really want to go...." Finally trails off, admitting defeat, whole body sagging.

"I know, baby." Her mom twists in her seat, brushing her fingertips against her daughter's chubby cheeks. "We'll go soon, okay?" Jessica looks up into her mother's eyes, before smiling. "Okay, mommy." "That's our girl."

Her mother barely had time to settle back in her seat before the eighteen wheeler hit them head on.

April 18, 2009

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The crowd screamed into her ears in a mocking manner. It was her twentieth birthday and everyone was there to celebrate. Well, almost everyone. "Come on, Sica-Unnie. Blow out the candles!" Yuri smiles, holding the large cake out in front of her.

The birthday girl closed her eyes and blew out the candles, eliciting muted cheers from her friends. She was dragged from her daze by Amber's grip on her wrist. "Presents!" She yelled, pulling the girl to the living room where everyone gathered.

A large pile of presents sat for the twenty year old, bright ribbons and wrapping paper covered in wild patterns. "Oldest to youngest?" Yuri asks, receiving nods from everyone else. "So, Donghae-Oppa's present." The said boy shuffled through the pile, pulling out a box covered in tropical fish.

"Happy Birthday, Jessica." Her housemate smiles, holding the present out for her to take. She let her fingers run over the shiny paper, a smile on her face for the sake of others. The wrapping paper soon became a shredded pile on the floor, leaving Jessica with a letter in her hand.

"Read it." Jonghyun says, leaning over his older brother's shoulders.

'Dear Jung Jessica,

Congratulations, you have been accepted into Thoreau University of the Arts. The open house will be on April 25, 2009, where you will receive you textbooks, rooming, and schedule.

Once Again Congratulations,

Lee Soo Man

President of Thoreau University of the Arts'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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