Tell me the truth

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   I let out a shakey breath as I walked into the ballroom. The prom theme was New York fashion week, the met gala to be exact. I had to hand it to the juniors. They went all out on the decorations. The room was beautiful. There was a doorway that led out to a terrace as well as lights heading out into the gardens. My eyes roamed the room for a familiar face. I saw my two friends and went over to them.

 "Hi." I said with a smile once I reached them. They each greeted me with a hug. 

"God you look beautiful!" Emma said. I was wearing a two piece gold dress my youngest cousin said made me look like belle from beauty and the beast. 

"You're one to talk." I replied. Emma was wearing a dress similar to mine but red. "Same goes for you Sammy." Sammy was wearing a dark blue full length dress. It reminded me of the TARDIS for some reason. 

"Yeah right." Sammy said with a roll of her eyes. "By the way we are sitting with two of the hottest teachers at the school." I followed her finger to the table. I couldn't make out the names at the seats so I moved closer. My friends weren't too far behind. 

"And guess who you get to sit next to." Emma teased. I shot them both a look and turned my attention to the place makers. 

"Sammy, Emma, mr. Michael fassbender, mr. Luke Evans, then me." I breathed. I pretended to fan myself. "Oh god. Mr. Evans and mr. Fassbender? How will we ever survive?" I joked. Sammy had a thing for mr. Fassbender who taught art. Emma didn't care for either one and they both knew I had a thing for the English teacher. 

"Sammy, you behave tonight." Emma warned. "Same goes for you (y/n)." Sammy and I waved her off. "I'm not kidding. If you two play your cards right, after graduation you could both have boyfriends who have steady well paying jobs." I blushed and locked eyes with Sammy. 

"Look Emma. It's nice that you're thinking of us but I highly doubt either one of them would even think of us as anything but their students." Sammy said. My heart sank for a second as I looked around as inconspicuously as I could for Luke. 

"She's right Emma." I forced out. I was silently praying to the God I didn't believe in that it was a lie. "All we are is students and that's all we'll ever be." Emma waved is off again. 

"I'm just saying it could happen." Emma reasoned. More people started pouring into the ballroom and I excused myself to the garden with the excuse that I wanted to see the rest of the decorations. I breathed in the fresh air and rubbed my arms. Sammys words echoed through my head. Was I just a student to him? Or did that kiss and the invitation to prom really mean something? Maybe I was just overthinking this as I was customed to do. I sighed and shook my head. I heard someone gently cough behind me and I jumped. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." The familiar welsh voice said. I smiled as I turned around. 

"It's quite alright. I just needed to think for a bit." I said as he walked over and hugged me after checking that the coast was clear. 

"Thinking? At prom? I thought you were going to come to enjoy yourself. With a certain behind enemy lines date." Luke said with a wink. He was referencing the conversation we had had the week I had gotten my dress. Of course he hadn't seen it until now but I had told him I would take his breath away if I could. 

"It was just something Sammy said. I'm probably overthinking it." I said with a shake of my head. I turned back towards the garden and sighed. "I don't know. It just won't leave my head." I shook my head to try and get the thoughts to leave but it was like they were glued there. 

"Maybe I can help." He whispered as he moved next to me. I sighed. I'd have to ask him eventually. 

"When you think of me, what do you think of?" I said, avoiding all eye contact. "What?" Luke chuckled. I sighed and shook my head again. 

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