So if you didn't read a crazy school you might not get this story and please follow and vote and comment and yeah this is also all the POV of Gabe noggins
Hey it's me Gabe noggins and I'm with June Goldman and Tim Duncan so we just got out now we are going to have the best summer ever so let's start out by Waiting till tomorrow !
Okay I am so exited I just woke up feeling ready for the pool I got my bathing suit on and are going to the pool now let's go! (at the pool ) okay I just got to the pool and the water was missing no one was around so we left
. and went to another pool behind the school there was a big ground of people rushing out of the area I really thought that that was weird so I actually got to the pool there was no water on the pool! and well I couldn't think of another public pool so we went to my grandmas instead she was sleeping so we carefully told the maid and went out back. there was a pool and the water was quickly draining Down it was really weird so we just went home.
it was late and we were having a sleepover so we watched t.v. a perfect way to start it! we were flipping through the channels as a game one person set in a number that we all knew then we guess that channel so it's fun. it was my turn to pick a number I put in 7 the news but then we immediately stopped playing and listened.
the reporter was talking about the day and suggestions for the people. she said that it was a great day for the pools because the water was blue and the tempter was great and all of them were full of water and all of them were open then someone said cut!! and everyone started talking about the scene . one person said how the pools were the opposite and another person said well you think we fooled them pretty well huh! then I looked away Tim was on the phone probably with the police or his mom or someone but then we all stared back at the t.v..the police was there and said ha ha you guys were great!
but then the FBI came in and said all of you are under arrest for messing with the water tunnels in this state because of you many people are scared and some might get hurt from no water !but they are mostly scared to death right now and well.-wait Dave smash that camera to bits if something dangerous happens then we heard a half ah! and clang smash at the same time !
so I said I think we should protect ourselves since we are alone let's lock windows and doors and then find a safe hiding spot that I would recommend would be in this house so let's do it oh and everybody grab a knife for offense. and that's just what we did but around 1.a.m we came out of our hiding spots got ready and slept and slept and slept till almost lunch the next day so then we had a big meal that lunch! and then that decided to go investing around the pool to see the clues there are.
when that got there no one was around perfect I said. so Julian get the snack bar tom get the perimeter of everything here and I'll get the chairs later all of us will get the pool okay now let's go 20 minutes later we were all sitting down on beach chairs going over what we got so far Julian got us snacks from the snack bar she had also found notes about the draining this is what they said
1.I CANT WAIT ABOUT TONIGHT it's going to be epic I'm finally going to kill jail and take over everywhere!! evilly Katherine
2.hey you are not the boss and ruler if this whole thing all of us have a part so don't say that now how about those glass breathers evilly ken
3.fine your no fun with this whole thing you take it so seriously butthead and it's just not like we are going to die I mean this is out 16 breakout of jail and our 8th degree murder and 4th killing of police it's a kill force we don't die though I bet it is going to be dangerous but we know what to do so butthead.
Evilly Katherine .
So those are bad people and they killed the police maybe we don't know but we handed it in to the police no charges were made for sneaking in the pool the door was open and we were bare armed so those people were really bad people and the police went snuck up on them and killed them just like that so ya that's the story of the pools DRIAN that was illegal