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We got home 1hour later and my mama sat me and my sisters down and told us that she was pregnant. I was mad because I thought that my stepDad hurt my mom.

It was just the concept that I was still young and was just leaning what sex was . And any guy would be mad if you find out that somebody was having sex with your mom even though he was her husband.
I thought she was done having kids but after I got over that and asked her about it , everything was good. I was hoping that I got a baby brother because I always wanted a brother. I have one brother but we barely talk and stays 3 hours away from me, so I was really wishing that it was a boy.

After about a month or so everything had died down and back to normal. My mom had been complaining about her stomach was hurting and sharp pains so she went in to see what was wrong because she knew it wasn't normal.

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