An Adventure sets foot in a new land, flashlight in hand, he had his adventure well planned, this adventure was in Finland, he came across a newsstand, there it said be a creature in a cave, anyone to find it was quite brave, when he got there it was night, the creature gave him quite a fright, the creature had an enormous height, his eyes were a bright white, despite his flashlight, this creature was horrendous alright, now outside, the creature was lit by moonlight, now outside, you could this creature was black and white, he ran and ran until the creature was out of sight, he ran with a leading light, he didn't take a second sight, he soon arrived to a campsite, he waited till daylight, to return back to his home, after that he did not roam, for he had seen the creature, and seen it's features, just know that this is not the end, his time was not overspent, for he had experienced this event, that he may never attend again, know that this took place in a bears den.