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"bill, this is scaring me." eddie said, worriedly, after discovering the new time printed on his wrist.

"it's g-gonna be fine. whoever sh-she is, i bet she's great. duh-don't stress it." bill assured.

"right. she'll be great." eddie took a deep breath.

"actually, i'm gonna step out of class for a second. i need some fresh air."

he quickly stood up and walked out of the classroom.

his wrist was still ticking, now it read:


"oh god oh god oh god-" eddie mumbled, still looking down at his wrist.


until he suddenly snapped out of his little daze by a body quickly brushing against his shoulder.

"hey watch where you're going, kid!" the boy's voice shouted down the hallway.

eddie didn't recognize him.

huh, must be new.

as eddie watched new boy turn the corner of the hallway, he noticed something.

his wrist. it wasn't ticking anymore.

when he looked down, he didn't see a timer. he saw nothing but plain old skin.


richie tozier was already late to school on his first day at the shitty town of derry. richie had known stan uris, who attends this school, from a summer camp a couple years back, but meeting new people made richie a bit anxious. he wouldn't ever admit it to anyone, though.

he tried his best to not acknowledge the timer on his wrist, and just ignore it.

"i don't even know why we need these things, you'll find your soulmate eventually," richie had told his friend back home a couple weeks before.

but now, his wrist was ticking loudly. so loud, it was a bit distracting.

tick tick tick tick tick tick

richie couldn't help but occasionally look down. however, this time, when he was first entering derry high, some numbers caught his eye.


"whatever" richie scoffed,

"it's just a bunch of bullshit anyways-" he was cut off by some idiot who ran into him.

"hey watch where you're going, kid!" richie yelled to the boy, rolling his eyes.

richie peacefully walked to the end of the hall, towards his classroom. a little too peacefully.

the ticking.

he slowly shifted his gaze to his wrist.

the timer was gone.


author's note: heyy haha i just remembered i actually SUCK at writing so updates could be slow and horrible my apologies haha

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