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They all froze in horror as Laurel collapsed, blood spurting terribly from her back.

Tom's mind went completely blank. This had never happened before.

More gun-shots went off, startling the group back into action. They ran, looking for a sewer grate or anything that would lead them back to their base. A scream was heard, Tom stopped and turned around.

Bing was cradling Larry's already lifeless body in his arms.

Hellucard was the next to scream as a bullet went through Bing's head. The pinks and reds of his brain matter spattered across the ground, and his body slumped over onto Larry's.

Tom couldn't hear anything anymore. The pounding of his blood in his ears was too much. He grabbed Hellucard and started pushing him to a manhole. Opening the grate, he shoved the blonde in first before turning around and shooting the nearest Red Army soldiers. He watched as their angry expressions turned to shock as their lives slipped away and their hearts stopped for good.

Tom turned and started down the sewer ladder, but not before his arm erupted in excruciating pain. He stared down at the bullet wound. The heat from the projectile had already cauterized the flesh and Tom could see very clearly that the bullet had lodged itself into his humerus. The hole pulsed an angry red with every beat of his heart, and the man felt faint.

He couldn't find the strength to continue holding the metal bars any longer and felt himself slipping. With a pathetic whimper of pain, he fell into the stale water below. He lost consciousness.


Through Tom's haze of pain, he realized he was being hoisted across the narrow walkway of the sewer by a familiar figure. Hellucard was covered in splatters of blood, and his blue eyes held a hollow, empty look. Even Tom, who was semi-incoherent, realized the blonde was traumatized.

Tom blinked in confusion when he realized that there was no sounds of pursuit. "What-"

"I killed them, Tom." Hellucard cut Tom off, looking blankly ahead as he carried his captain through the tunnels. "They were going to catch us, so I killed them," his voice had dropped into a haunting whisper before he choked out a sob.

Tom said nothing. What could you even say in this situation?

They continued to the base in silence.


The next time Tom woke, he was in a bed. A sick, achy feeling had settled in his arm, but at least the pain was bearable now. He looked down at dirty bandages wrapped around his bicep. There was a large spot of red blood that gave them a nice splash of color. He giggled deliriously when red swirled with white before vaguely wondering if the medic had remembered to remove the bullet.

He didn't think so. He was pretty sure he was getting an infection.

He lied his head back down when it gave a dangerous spin and sighed.

Tom thought back to the mission. There were too many casualties to label it as a true success. Unable to dwell on the scene any longer he closed his eyes, suppressing a scream when pure agony shot through his entire body.

They definitely forgot to remove the bullet.

Settling down again, he could faintly hear the sound of approaching footsteps. Too exhausted to question it, he drifted to unconsciousness once more.

//A/N: two chapters in one day, you lucky ducks.//

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