Interlude: Part 2

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Oh hey, Wattpad changed some stuff. Sorry I haven't had time to post, I'm just exceptionally busy. But hey, one update is as good as any, eh?



Salden grabbed his brother's hand and pulled him toward the stands, scanning the background for their mother. She had a small hut, and she sold delicate glass sculptures, shaped like creatures of the sea, the birds or the air, and even depicted scenes of knights battling dragons, the courts of the rich, castles, and whole forests. She was a master sculpter, and she was well-known throughout the realm.

"Can you see her?" Salden asked his brother.

"No. I can't see anything through these people."

Salden huffed, frusturated. "Let's move to the side."

He almost dragged Callius over. The younger was distracted by the variety of people, and had eyes for every one. He wasn't interested in finding his mother at the moment, Salden knew, but soon his attention would shift to something else, and eventually he would come back to the task at hand.

And soon enough, he did, when he spotted a bright yellow sash through the haze of limbs and heads and fabric.

"Sal, that might be her!" He tugged his brother's hand and they moved with a steady current towards the yellow sash and its wearer. Sure enough, as they approached, the sash revealed its wearer's face, and it was indeed their mother.

"Mum!" Callius called above the noise. She turned around, spotted them, and smiled warmly, pulling off to the side to wait for the current to bring them around.

"Hello, Cal!" She grinned and hugged him. "What brings you to the faire?"

"Salden brought me here and we saw jugglers and I saw a dancing bear and there was a small fight but one guy got his tooth punched out and one of the flower ladies gave me a flower and we were looking for you but there were a lot of people so we kept looking and I wanted to find you and look what I got!" He said all at once, pulling the sheer pieces of juggling cloth from his pocket. "Aren't they pretty, mummy?"

"Very lovely, darling," She smiled, ruffling his hair. He giggled and stuffed the cloth back in his pocket. "And what about you Salden, what did you do?"

Salden opened his mouth to answer but Callius interrupted, saying "He was looking at bosoms, but I told him not to and he scolded me."

Salden sighed. His mother tried to keep back her laughter.

"So what did you do, Salden? And Cal, don't answer for him, you little chatterbird."

"I was just trying to keep an eye on Callius. He didn't stop for a moment."

"Well, it looks like he's still with you, so that's a job well done."

"Oh, he'll try to run off again, like now," Salden pointed to her right where Cal was wandering towards a shop, distracted by beautiful masks. His mother laughed lightly and scooped the boy up.

"That's enough of that, you silly goose," She kissed his head. "Lets go to my shop. Arcturo was manning it, but I don't trust the boy with such a responsibility yet."

They began to walk back in the current.

"So how is your apprenticeship?" Their mother asked Salden. "You haven't breathed a word of it since you began."

"Its tough, but I'll get used to it. I'm learning, at least. But y'know what's odd?"


"A castle isn't a very comfortable place. Its cold and damp and there's no privacy. I don't understand why the lords would rather have them."

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