The Bride Of The Water God Part 2

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-In the present and YOON SO-AH's POV-

I was at the bridge on the side where people can walk,over the river holding some flowers. Before the tears started to come I threw the flowers over the little wall and into the water and watched them as they went down and landed on top of the the water. 

After, I imagened that I got up on the wall and looked up to face forward, took a deep breathe in, then out and I jumped into the water. I didn't do anything to help myself to get out of the water, I just let myself sink into the bottom of the water.

- A year ago, The High Priest's POV-

The water fountain that have seven different ways on the bottom had turned red on the top of the fountain.

"High Priest." The lady that was standing near me called my name after I put my hand into the red water and took it out.

"It's about time that the red water came. Looks like the Realm of the Gods will welcome a new emperor after 3,200 years. Where is Lord Habaek?" I asked the asked the lady.

The lady that was near the me looked to her right and had a worried intense look on her face while looking to her right, then I looked where she was looking.

-The Water Gods POV-

There was a man with many paints out and with a big paintbrush because he was making a self portrait of me. 

"For my lowly self to be given this honor truly is quite gracious of you, my Lord! To think that I'd be painting a portrait of you.... I understand why the heavens chose you to be the next in line for the throne!" Then looking at the lady fanning me he said "It's time.... for me to do your eyes, sir."

Looking at the lady, she moved her head no, implying that he will not open his eyes.

He nodded his head down to infrom the lady that he needs the eyes in order to finish, but that lady nodded her no again. Then she put one palm on the side of her face and she tilted her face a little to imply that he was sleeping.

"The... finishing touches... " He put his head down because he was upset about not being able to paint the eyes.

Until, one of the ladies that were around there came to tell me that I had a call from the High Priest.

"Lord jimin. You have a call from the High Priest." The lady said.

"Tell him to stop calling me so much. Why does he have to ask me so many insignificant things every day?" He asked the lady.

"The water of Water Country has turned red." She told him. Then his eyes opened and without any hesitations. "So he said that you should make preparations." she told him.

He stood up and walked away, not giving the man painting him a chance to paint his eyes. While he walked away the lady that came to infrom him walked after him taking him to the High Priest.

A/N: Comment and vote.. :) Hope you like it.

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