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"yah! seo jaemin!"

i clench my fist.

after what happened in math class you'd think kihyun would bug off, seeing as i'm not afraid of him.

but no, now he's following me out of school. i bet he has his friends with him too.

i turn around and spot kihyun, with a group of three behind him - yep.


"i told you i wasn't done with you."

"actually you said, 'this isn't over' but okay whatever."

his friends chuckled, and kihyun turned to them - and glared.

"okay miss. smartass, you think you're so clever then tell me who you think you are to be messing with me."

"well i believe i'm seo jaemin, and last time i checked you started this with me - twice. now if you'd be so kind as to shut the hell up so i can leave, i'd really appreciate it. kay? thanks, you're a prince."

i turned around and continued walking home, after everything that happened i deserved a nice long nap.



who the hell does she think she is just walking away from me? doesn't she know i can take her off the map with a snap of my finger?

i clench my fist in anger, ready to punch the first thing i saw.

"she's great." i heard changkyun say, "no, she's not!" i growl, punching the locker.

"she's vile."

"oh come on kihyun, you can't be mad because she sassed you. you've gotta admit, it's pretty hot." hoseok spoke.

i snickered, "if you think it's so hot why don't you go stick your dick in her like you do with every girl?!"

"geez kihyun, relax." jooheon said, wrapping his arm around kihyun's shoulder.

"yeah, i mean, don't you even find it a little attractive that she talked back to you?"

"no changkyun, i don't."

"you should." hoseok said, "cause it is."

insolent fools.

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