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(Halloween Chapter!!! Wahoo!! This came a little late, lol. But whatever, I've been depressed and just not in the mood for writing, so suck my non existent dick if you're mad about the wait. Also there's anotherrrrr partyyyyy in this chapter, whoops. There's not much you can do with high school AUs to be honest, and the school is supposed to be a bunch of little rich snots anyway, so oh well. Rich kids love cocaine and parties, in my experience [which I have lots of, because I go to school with a bunch of wealthy druggies. Hah.] Also,,,, for those who were wondering, the "Walk Of Shame" was running nude across the grounds. Fun, right? Anywho, this chapter is super long to make up for the fact that I haven't updated since August ahahahaha sorry. Anyway YOLO it's 4 AM but I don't have school so ha.)

Everybody Scream! It's Halloween!

.....Is what is on the poster that Brendon hands me.

"A Halloween Party? The kids at this fucking school party every weekend. What's different about this one?" I ask skeptically, and Brendon grins. "Well, for one thing, it's an actual school party. No college campus bullshit. And, you dress up and wear masks."

"Masks? Costumes?" I say flatly. "What's the fun in that?"

"The fun in that, Mister Ross, is that everyone gets intoxicated VIA hidden flasks, and no one knows who the other person is. Everyone ends up hooking up, and plus, you get an excuse to wear a tux or fancy costume. You bet your skinny ass that the girls are going to be in tiny dresses and the boys will be impeccably dressed, too."

I blink. Oh. Well... that does sound fun.

"Are you going?" Is all I say, my voice slightly faint as I imagine the party. I have a slight flare for dramatics, I admit, and I can see the party perfectly in my minds eye: girls in gauzy dresses and handsome boys with combovers and black suits. Mystery in the air, along with drunken debauchery.

Not to mention, I could hook up with a guy, and not be labeled as a faggot.


"Yeah, I'm going." Brendon says, unknowingly steamrolling over my train of thought. "Everyone goes, trust me. You can't miss it."

"Good thing I don't plan on missing it, then." I say, and a grin breaks across Brendon's face. "Perfect. What will you go as?" He asks, raising an eyebrow, and I shrug. "Maybe a ghost? I could have a white tux and mask. What will you be?"

He chuckles softly. "You'll see. I'll be a fucking showstopper, just you wait."

And unlike most things Brendon says, I don't doubt it.

"There's a place to rent costumes and shit. There's formalwear, too. It's downtown. Most kids use it." He says, and I nod. "Perfect."


"Ryan!" A voice calls, and I turn to see a tiny blonde blur darting up to me. Then the blur stills, and I identify it as Jac.

"Oh, hello." I say, and she smiles toothily, tilting her head. "Hey, you going to the dance?" She asks, and I nod. "Yeah, I finally got my costume all figured out. You?"

"I'm going. Maybe we'll see each other there, yeah? It's kind of Hookup Central, so maybe we can resume what we left off at that last party.." She says, her voice trailing off suggestively.

"Maybe. But you never know, there are lots of chicks begging for my attention." I say jokingly, and she snorts. "I don't doubt it. I've been in liplock with two guys since you, and you were by far the best kisser. I'd love to, uh, go horizontal sometime. No strings attached."

"Oh. Sounds fun. I might take you up on that, sometime. Maybe at the dance." I say, although I've got my heart set on sex with a boy. "Sure," She exclaims coyly. "Or... you could come over. We could have a little pre-party, and get dressed together?" She asks, and I smirk. "Sounds fun. I'm in."

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