CELL(rewrite) prologue

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The real new version of Cell god the other version got on my last nerves!

Sitting in front of the TV with a bowel of Captain Crunch, I watched as Tom and Jerry chased each other in dangerously stupid situations, but I couldn't help the spills of milk and laughter over my lips.

The show had almost ended when it was suddenly cut off with loud flashing and beeping only to be replaced by a tan tall woman with curly blonde hair who wore a lovely red dress, whom I knew to the leading reporter for the local News. Turning up the volume I leaned in closer to hear what the woman had to say as she had interrupted my show.

"The mass murder, whom killed more than two thousand people has now been captured! Officials say the suspect was captured when the suspect set off an alarm in -"

Awe-stuck, I stared at the TV as if it had played some kind of joke. This killer had killed over thousands of people and hadn't been caught in the five years he or she started now all of a sudden they're caught?

Focusing my attention on the screen again, I watched as s.w.a.t, police, and basically everything with a badge keep the person in a tight cage circle.

"Police Officials aren't releasing much at the moment but our reporter, Kim Je is at the scene now."

The screen switched over to an Asian woman in black dress pants and a blue dress shirt.

"Thank you Cindy, as you all heard. The mysterious skilled murder responsible for thousands of death has now been caught. Officers caught the suspect as they tried to break into one of the most respected richest bachelor's house Roman Jonathan. We all know Roman, has never shown his face because of a certain rumor we've all heard about him."

Kim leaned her head more towards her earpiece and flushed before apologizing for getting off topic.

Turning her head back to scene, I saw that the human cage barrier had been broken. The person whom they had seemed so hard to hide from view now smiled at us. The person had long wavy hair that was held in a loose pony tail. Their bangs covers their eyes as reporters crowed around the person throwing out questions though, they never stepped to close to the person.

Kim found her way to the front and asked the question that burned all of our minds. Why did the person kill so many? Hadn't they proven their point when they killed five, ten people? What was their motive? What dove them to the point of killing so mercilessly?

The person looked up and smiled and for the first time since the person was captured I could tell just exactly how extremely handsome they were. His five O'clock shadow, looked absolutely delicious as he licked his cracked pierced lips.

Deep piercing green eyes stared at me through the screen. The chilling look he gave the reporter sent a shiver down my shine. “You have lovely colored hair ever considered dyeing it to a deep blood red. It would fit perfectly with your image. I can see it now. You laying on a floor hair spread out as if you were an angel sent from above. Your cries for me to stop as I stabbed into your body, sharper and deeper.'' He groaned as if this visual image pleased him. "Blood pouring over from your beautiful cuts, flowing around that luscious hair of yours."  He ended with a smirk at the frightened reporter.

Someone was going to be sleeping with her doors closed and locked tightly at night. I thought. As the reporter all but dashed away out of sight, before the camera once again focused on the killer.

He watched with blank eyes before they tilted up into curves. I sucked in a breath as I realized what he had done... no why he had said what he said. It was a threat yet a warning of some kind. He wasn’t done.

Officers, glared down at the guy before leading him to a secure, very secure car and pushing him in.

Turing back to face the camera, the reporter was once again there but she was disheveled and her eye screamed fear as did her body as she didn't try to get any closer to the man as he laughed.  She spoke some words that didn't reach my ears.

His voice. - deep and heavy baritone, made my legs wobbly and slick in between. A reaction that not only confused me but left me wanting to explore it some more

Staring at the screen I found he still stared at the cameras smirking. Smirking looked amazing on him, I drooled. God, it should beyond nature to look that sexy with just a smirk.

The TV screen replayed the scene over and over until I could map out and explain the murder's face.

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