chapter #2

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"Your Honor, I rest my case against the defendant as all evidence leads to him being at the scene of the crime at all confirmed murder sites as well as the concealed weapons found on his person during the time of arrest."

The courtroom was dead silent as the elderly man continued on with his evidence against me. He was so point on, I entertained the thought to tell him where I hid some of the other weapons just so I could see him attempt to give me another deadly glare as he mentioned yet another victim that had the pleasure of being killed by me.

Smiling, I leaned back in my chair as the proceedings continued boring as the last past two weeks. Nothing in the case had changed for me, I was defending myself as any attorneys they attempted to give me plain out refused for fear of their lives or the threats they received for bad business if they represented me. It didn't even concern me that some of the spectators chose to wear something over their faces so I couldn't identify them when this was all over. In fact I took joy in knowing I installed so much fear within these people's heart for them to do this.

Taking a moment to look around, I saw a sea full of worry, anger, sadness and pain all filled into the large room and for the first time since this trial started, I felt a bit of regret for what I had done but I knew that it was all necessity for my plan to work.

"Mr. Camden-" my name was said with so much hatred, I couldn't help the defensive response my body took at such a tone.

Looking up, into the eyes that tried to convince the world I should get the injection and he probably could but I wasn't going to let that happen, I forced my body to relax as anything else would definitely get the old man his way and my plan couldn't afford any fuck ups. So drawing in a breath I boldly stared back at the man as his breath blew against me in ways I really wish it didn't.

"You Honor why waste anymore of the public's and jury's time with this man whom clearly deserves to be put on death row." He stated glaring. Mutters of agreement echoed throughout the room.

"Silence! I do not know what has gotten into this court lately but I will not tolerate such behavior in my courtroom! Now Mr. Fits either continue your claim or silence as a verdict is made." the judge, a middle age woman stated, before covering her look of disgust up. "Now that you have heard all the facts, Jury. You may now leave to decide your decision."


I held my drink in my hand not even bothering with the fact the cold soda had now become hot and frizzle less. I watched as the jury left the room and wondered what their verdict would be. The court trials had been long and weary as they were broadcast all over the world as many wanted to know what would be happening to this man.

Reaching out to grab a hand full of chips next to me, not even really wanting them but hoping they would calm the butterflies in my spasming stomach as I waited for what seemed forever.

Rising a chip to my mouth, motion on the screen caught my attention. The murder had gotten out of his seat and was currently fighting his way towards the door the jury had disappeared though. People in the courtroom had all but backed far into the corners of the room as the judge tried to regain order once again.The Bailiff was in front of him trying to get him to return to his seat when the man paused for a moment and eyed the bailiff before literally grabbing the man and moving him to the side.

The chips that rested in my hand fall to the floor. He didn't-but

The Bailiff after collecting himself, spoke into his radio and the doors slammed open to reveal more officers but the man did not pause and kept forward. Once he reached the door the officers had all but corned him to the door. Which looked like that's what he wanted.

but instead of paying any attention to the officers around him, he opened the door and yelled inside before swiftly walking up to officers hands up and by passing them to head back to his seat.

The room was silent. And I could only pray. He was an idiot but someone I wanted to live.

Please God, don't let him be put to death.


An; So how was it? Sorry for the long overdue chapter.

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