A Pleasant Surprise

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*(A/N) I absolutely LOVE this song and this band so.. HAVE A GOOD READING JOURNEY!!*

Zoey just stared at me in shock. "Y/N, its ok.. You already made my day! Just by making me know that... There might be more Sanses out there, and I'm DETERMINED to find them!". I giggled.        "(Y/N)? Is that you?" A familiar voice sounded through the school. It was my cousin, Lexi! "LEXI!!" "(Y/N)!!!" We yelled each others names. We hugged each other tightly, not wanting to let go. We heard Ashley, Lilly, and G come out and down the hall. Lexi let go and wiggled her eyebrows at me. "What? Why are you doing that?" I asked irritated and confuzzled *(YES!! I MAKE UP WORDS!!)* "You know what... I see that you found a new friend." She said teasingly. Then it hit me like a brick. She was talking about G. CRAP! I forgot about him... "Hey, Doll... Who's this?" I heard him say from behind me. "Ok.. G, STOP calling me 'Doll' and this is my cousin, Lexi." I said annoyed. 

Since she was so short *(SHORTER THAN MEH SO HAS TO BE SHORTER THAN HIIM!!)* she had to look up to him to look him in the eyes and when she did she froze. She was legitimately mind blown! She thought it was all a joke but nope.. He is real... A real pain in the A** if you ask me.. "Wait.. You're a actual skeleton?" She asked. "Yep.. Correctamundo." he said calmly. "Hey Doll, can we go talk somewhere private?" He asked me. "Fine G. Lead the way.." I groaned and followed him into a random abandoned room. "Well.. Now that we are alone... *sigh* Why do you have so many female friends?" He asked, irritated. "Well. When you're popular, you're with everyone.. ALMOST everyone.. I have male friends too..Bu-" "Not a boyfriend right?" He interrupted. "Um... W-well n-no..." I felt my face heat up and heard him chuckle. "Good... That means I'm the only one that finds a interest in you. C'mon, Doll~ Let's go." he said holding in his laughter from my face which I could tell was redder than a tomato. We walked out and Lexi was practically dying. "What happened? Did he kiss you or something?" She asked through laughter. "Not quite yet.. She's not ready for a kiss from a skeleton." G said as I stared at him with wide eyes. "The F***, G?" I swore. "Language, Doll~" "Make me, G. Or are you too scared?" I said as I swore even more under my breath.

Then he did the unexpected.. He COVERED my mouth with his hand. As soon as he did that I went wolf on his a**. I bit his hand tightly. If he had skin, he would be bleeding. Badly. "SON OF A BI***!! MOTHERFU****!!" He yelled. "Language, G" I said mockingly. "Ugh.. Fine you win.. If you make me shut up~" he said seductively. I ignored him. "So do you guys want to meet my adoptive mom?" I asked nicely to my friends. "Yeah, sure" they all said. 

                                           Time skip. Brought to you by the AUs of Sans! And a lazy author

We managed to all get there and I walked in first to my Goat Mom. "Hello (Y/N). Who are the lovely children? Oh, let me guess.. You wanna have a sleepover?" She said excitedly. "Um. Sure! Ok so this is Zoey, its her birthday!" I introduced. "Oh! How lovely! Happy Birthday, my child!" Toriel said cheerily. "This is Ashley." "Hi! Im Ashley." She said. "This is Lilly, We've been friends for, forever." I said. "Hi Ms. Toriel, (BEFORE I GO ANY FURTHER!! I SPELT MS LIKE THAT BECAUSE SHE IS NOT TECHNICALLY MARRIED.. SHE IS DIVORCED) I'm Lilly!" She said proudly. "and last but certainly not least, My faithful cousin.. Lexi." I said proudly. "Wow... You have so many friends! Im exited for your sleepover (Y/N)!"

Fresh: WIGGIDY, WIGGIDY, WASSUP MY FRESH BROSEPHS!!?                                                                              Me: FRESH?! When did you get here?


Me: Ok Fresh, well.. Say goodbye because I gotta get working on the next chapter. AND  if you get lucky and Im feeling generous, you may be included in the next chapter!


See you guys in the next chapter!

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