Chapter 1

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As Cress leans against the window and stares at the moon, she sings along to a familiar song:

I only told the moon

Tonight up on the roof

I told her that I'm scared

That all my thoughts

They look like you

She had no one to talk to, but the moon herself. She'd often wondered what it would be like to tell someone about her crush. But when she realized how people would react to such a stupid crush like hers she would shake away the thought. No one to talk to but the moon.

I only told the moon

About the way you move

I asked her to please tell me

If you tell this to her too

She would often wonder if, he too, told the moon about her. She would wonder if he told anyone about her. If he even liked her. He looked at her a lot. He talked to her now, when before they never even said hello. She often daydreamed about scenarios she knew would never happened. But it doesn't hurt to try, to picture it. To her, he was perfect. He was kind, and funny, and oddly charming. Not everyone thought he was handsome, but she sure did. He was smart and a gentleman. He was a dream to Cress. But Cress, besides her beauty, felt like she wasn't meant for him. She hoped that because of her beauty and smarts he'd like her back, but she'd never know. She tried leaving hints here and there, but never knew if she succeeded. He was hanging out with her more, that's for sure; but Cress never knew if it was because he knew she likes him or not. If he knew then, did he like her back? Was that why he was with her more often now? Cress wondered this a lot. She could solve many puzzles, but this was a tuff one. She would notice the boys teasing him, but she never knew if it was because he liked her or because she was obvious. She tried not to be, though. She hoped the other boys didn't know about her crush and teased him about liking her. Her. The thought gave her millions of butterflies. She would never imagine someone liking her, especially not him. She would hope either way that he did like her.

She could only hope.

Hope that faith would bring them together.

No, not faith, life.

She would hope that life gave her the opportunity to be with him.

She would imagine scenarios until she fell asleep. After telling the moon, only the moon. Hoping tomorrow would be better. Maybe tomorrow the moon would tell her that, he too, talked to her about Cress.


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