Chapter Twelve: Jail

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I got a call from Stella in the morning saying to meet her in front of the school and that it was an emergency, so I grab Olivia a can, in case she throws up, get an umbrella and our rain jackets and walk to school. As we get there I see Wen walking still wearing his sunglasses and Mo coughing into a tissue. I approach them not talking at all as we go find Stella.

"Anybody know what this is about?" Charlie ask running up to us with his arm in a cast and sling.

"Where is she?" I ask looking around my voice still very sore

"What happened to your voice?" Wen ask coming up next to me I just glare at him and walk away.

"There she is." Mo says with a stuffy noise still Mo then starts to cough and Stella looks over at us in disgust.

"What happened?" She ask looking over at us "Did you all get hit by a bus or something?"

"Look who's talking." Charlie says looking at the truck behind her

"What's going on, Stella?" Mo ask her looking annoyed

"Yeah. What are you doing" I ask while gesturing to the truck she is sitting behind.

"I am protesting the removal of our Mel's Lemonade machine. Hmm." She answers hanging her head proud.

"Your kidding me, right? In this weather?" My sister ask still holding the trashcan she has claimed as hers. Stella just sits cross legged behind the truck with a smirk on her face. The loaders come over to us and looks down at Stella.

"Ok, kid, enough playing around. I got three more pickups today." Stella just looks up at the man.

"It's gonna rain. Let's get out of here." The other says looking at his partner. Stella looks up at the two men

"Are you really willing to support the rampant tyranny and oppression of the powerful over the voiceless?" She explains to him I hear thunder rumbling and I look up to the sky and it starts to poor down rain.

"You move, or I move you. It's your choice." The first man says looking at her Wait, what?! Oh no. I then put up my f/c umbrella and put it over Olivia's and my head. Stella just looks forward with a determined expression on her face

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"I am not moving until you put our lemonade machine back." She says confidently

"Have it your way, kid." The man says and reaches down and picks her up with the help of his partner everyone starts to shout at him while I drop my umbrella and yell running to them

"Hey. Hey, put her down. Get off my friend!" I start pulling on the men and the others follow my lead we then hear a police siren and we all get scared looks on our faces and stop struggling and freeze. I'm on the ground hanging on the guys foot, Charlie is behind me with a guilty smile on his face, Mo is on the other mans back, Wen is just looking straight ahead on the ground frozen in place and Stella is still sitting cross legged in the men's arms with a wide smile.

Needless to say, that day was a bit of a low for the band.

I let go of the mans leg and stood up. We were all then taken to jail for holding where the officers had to call all our parents or guardians to come pick us up and we were placed in a cell. There was a long bench, a phone and dull colored walls. Stella, Olivia, Mo, and Wen sat on the bench. Charlie stood holding onto the bars of the cell. Where as I sat on the cold stone floor in a corner looking at my hands and picking at my nails a nervous habit that I have.

"So much for Rising Star." Stated Charlie in a sad voice while looking through the bars

"We can't skip it." Say Stella stating the obvious.

"Well, we can't play." Fires back Mo, then Wen gets in the conversation "It's over." With his eyes closed and head against the concrete wall.

"Wen's right." Charlie says backing away from the bars and looks at everyone "We lose." And he then sits on the bench where everyone else is sitting, but me. I put my head in my hands and bring my knees to my chest.

"So we lose. So what?" I hear her stand up "Lemonade Mouth is bigger than a competition. We did it to be heard. For our fans, for ourselves." I decide to speak up the best I can

"For our friendship." I say with my voice still raspy

"Thank you." Stella says looking at me

"Guys, we can't give up." I say looking at everyone from my spot on the floor

"Y/N, this isn't just humiliating ourselves on, like, a high-school level." Mo says standing and pacing.

"Look, we're not doing it." Wen says looking at her pacing

"Agreed." Charlie says sanding and going over to the phone box. Wen looks over to Stella, who is now leaning against the wall

"In case you haven't noticed, Stella, we're in a holding cell." He says to her raising his voice at the end of his sentence. "Okay, and you're the only one to blame." I look at him in shock we didn't have to come but we did, this is our own faults. I think to my self. Stella is also looking at him in shock

"Me?" She says looking at him

"Yeah, you." Mo says looking behind her

"Yeah, it's pretty much all your fault, Stella." Charlie says to her. I just look down and play with my nails while zoning out the rest of the conversation not wanting to hear my friends argue. I look up when I hear something clicking. I look over to Charlie who is absentmindedly tapping a coin on the phone box. I then here twanging coming from my left and look to see Mo playing with her hair band through the bars. Stella then starts to clank her ring on the bars of the cell. Wen then starts to zip his jacket up and down and by now and I am reminded of how we first met when we sang 'Turn up the Music' in detention apparently so did Mo because she starts to sing the words and Stella follows while I'm just looking at everyone crazily. They see that I'm not doing anything so Mo sings the chorus and walks over to me as does Stella. Olivia gets what they are doing and starts to pat the beat on her knees and claps her hands and I stand and tap my foot with them and pat on my sides to the beat of the song. Wen then starts to beatbox and Stella gets on the bench as we all stand in a circle singing like idiots.

"Are we in?" Stella ask to us Wen just says it's crazy and laughs while I smile, everyone then joins in a group hug as we all laugh

"Oh, watch my eye. Ow. Oh." He says to me as my head accidentally hit his eye in the hug

"I know. Sorry" I say sheepishly

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